
Dim t As Table = currenttable
Dim tb As String = t.cols(t.colsel).name
Dim qq As WinForm.TextBox = e.Form.Controls("TextBox1")
Dim bb As WinForm.TextBox = e.Form.Controls("TextBox2")
Tables("'" & t.name & "'").Filter = "tb like '%" & qq.text & "%' and tb like '%" & bb.text & "%' "
[此贴子已经被作者于2024/8/24 21:53:34编辑过]
Dim t As Table = currenttable
Dim tb As String = t.cols(t.colsel).name
Dim qq As WinForm.TextBox = e.Form.Controls("TextBox1")
Dim bb As WinForm.TextBox = e.Form.Controls("TextBox2")
t.Filter = tb & " like '%" & qq.text & "%' and " & tb & " like '%" & bb.text & "%' "