

[此贴子已经被作者于2024/5/30 21:10:08编辑过]
dim t as table = tables("表A")
dim r as row = t.current
dim n as integer = t.colsel
dim c as col = t.cols(n)
if c.name like "*专业_*" andalso not(c.name like "第一专业_*") then
if c.name like "*_专业名称" then
n = n -1
c = t.cols(n)
end if
dim s1 as string = r(n-2)
dim s2 as string = r(n-1)
r(n-2) = r(n)
r(n-1) = r(n+1)
end if
dim t as table = tables("表A")
dim r as row = t.current
dim n as integer = t.colsel
dim c as col = t.cols(n)
if c.name like "*专业_*" andalso not(c.name like "第六专业_*") then
if c.name like "*_专业名称" then
n = n -1
c = t.cols(n)
end if
dim s1 as string = r(n-2)
dim s2 as string = r(n-1)
r(n-2) = r(n)
r(n-1) = r(n+1)
r(n) = s1
r(n+1) = s2
end if
Dim t As Table = Tables("填报表")
Dim r As Row = t.current
Dim n As Integer = t.colsel
Dim c As Col = t.cols(n)
If c.name Like "*专业_*" AndAlso not(c.name Like "第六专业_*") Then
If c.name Like "*_专业名称" Then
n = n -1
c = t.cols(n)
End If
Dim s1 As String = r(n+2)
Dim s2 As String = r(n+3)
r(n+2) = r(n)
r(n+3) = r(n+1)
r(n) = s1
r(n+1) = s2
End If
With CurrentTable
.Current.Move(.Position - 1)
End With
With CurrentTable
.Current.Move(.Position - 1)
End With