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rt.Cells(0,0).text = Chr(13) & Chr(10) & "现场采样和检测计划"
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rt.Cells(2,0).text = "用人单位:" & dr("客户名称") & " 计划采样日期:" & sti & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & "检测类别:" & dr("项目类别") & " 委托序号:" & st1 & " 检测任务编号:" & cmb0 '通过左边空格数量来调整副标题位置
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rt.Cells(3,0).Text = "车间/工作场所名称"
rt.Cells(3,1).Text = "岗位(工种)"
rt.Cells(3,2).Text = "采样点/对象"
rt.Cells(3,3).Text = "检测项目"
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rt.Cells(3,5).Text = "采样方式"
rt.Cells(3,6).Text = "采样时机/时段"
rt.Cells(3,7).Text = "采样流量" & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & "(L/min)"
rt.Cells(3,8).Text = "空气收集器"
rt.Cells(3,9).Text = "采样设备"
rt.Cells(3,10).Text = "样品保存期限和保存条件"
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rt.Cells(3,12).Text = "测点编号"
rt.Cells(3,13).Text = "备注"
i = 3
Dim str3 As String
Dim str4 As String
Dim str5 As String
Dim lr As Integer
Dim lr2 As Integer
Dim lr1 As Integer
For Each dr1 In DataTables("样品登记").Select("[客户名称] = '" & st0 & "' and [任务编号] = '" & st1 & "' and [任务序号] = '" & cmb0 & "'" & daaaa,"空白,采样点排序,采样点序号,样品序号,项目名称,采样方式,创建日期")
If dr1("空白") = True Then
str4 = "空白" & dr1("采样点序号")
str4 = Format(dr1("采样点序号"),"000")
End If
If str4 = str3 AndAlso i > 3 AndAlso str5 = dr1("车间名称") & dr1("采样设备") & dr1("空气收集器") & dr1("岗位") & dr1("采样点") & dr1("采样方式") Then
If rt.Cells(i,3).Text.Contains(dr1("项目名称") & ";") Then
If rt.Cells(i,11).Text.EndsWith(dr1("样品序号")) = False Then
rt.Cells(i,4).Text = CInt(rt.Cells(i,4).Text) + CInt(dr1("样品数量"))
If dr1.IsNull("样品序号") Then
rt.Cells(i,11).Text = "/"
rt.Cells(i,11).Text = rt.Cells(i,11).Text & vbcrlf & str4 & "-" & dr1("样品序号")
End If
End If
rt.Cells(i,3).Text = rt.Cells(i,3).Text & ";" & dr1("项目名称") & ";"
rt.Cells(i,3).Text = rt.Cells(i,3).Text.Replace(";;",";")
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Dim Merge As Boolean = True
If i = 3 Then
Merge = False
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If rt.Cells(i,n).Text <> rt.Cells(i-1,n).Text Then
Merge = False
Exit For
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lr = i
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c = 1
Merge = True
If i = 3 Then
Merge = False
For n As Integer = 0 To c
If rt.Cells(i,n).Text <> rt.Cells(i-1,n).Text Then
Merge = False
Exit For
End If
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rt.Cells(lr1,c).SpanRows = rt.Cells(lr1,c).SpanRows + 1
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rt.Cells(i, c).VertSplitBehavior = prt.CellSplitBehaviorEnum.Copy '换页后重复单元格
lr1 = i
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c = 2
Merge = True
If i = 3 Then
Merge = False
For n As Integer = 0 To c
If rt.Cells(i,n).Text <> rt.Cells(i-1,n).Text Then
Merge = False
Exit For
End If
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If Merge Then
rt.Cells(lr2,c).SpanRows = rt.Cells(lr2,c).SpanRows + 1
' rt.Cells(i + 1, c).Text = rt.Cells(i, c).Text
rt.Cells(i, c).VertSplitBehavior = prt.CellSplitBehaviorEnum.Copy '换页后重复单元格
lr2 = i
End If
i = i + 1
rt.Cells(i,0).Text = dr1("车间名称")
rt.Cells(i,1).Text = dr1("岗位")
rt.Cells(i,2).Text = dr1("采样点")
rt.Cells(i,3).Text = dr1("项目名称") & ";"
If dr1.IsNull("样品数量") Then
rt.Cells(i,4).Text = ""
rt.Cells(i,4).Text = dr1("样品数量")
End If
If dr1.IsNull("采样方式") Then
rt.Cells(i,5).Text = "/"
rt.Cells(i,5).Text = dr1("采样方式")
End If
If dr1.IsNull("采样时机") Then
rt.Cells(i,6).Text = "/"
rt.Cells(i,6).Text = dr1("采样时机")
End If
If dr1.IsNull("采样流量") Then
rt.Cells(i,7).Text = "/"
rt.Cells(i,7).Text = dr1("采样流量")
End If
If dr1.IsNull("空气收集器") Then
rt.Cells(i,8).Text = "/"
rt.Cells(i,8).Text = dr1("空气收集器")
End If
If dr1.IsNull("采样设备") Then
rt.Cells(i,9).Text = "/"
rt.Cells(i,9).Text = dr1("采样设备")
End If
If dr1.IsNull("样品保存期限和保存条件") Then
rt.Cells(i,10).Text = "/"
rt.Cells(i,10).Text = dr1("样品保存期限和保存条件")
End If
If dr1.IsNull("样品序号") Then
rt.Cells(i,11).Text = "/"
rt.Cells(i,11).Text = str4 & "-" & dr1("样品序号")
End If
If dr1.IsNull("测点编号") Then
rt.Cells(i,12).Text = "/"
rt.Cells(i,12).Text = "▲" & dr1("测点编号") & "#"
End If
rt.Cells(i,13).Text = dr1("备注")
End If
str3 = str4
str5 = dr1("车间名称") & dr1("采样设备") & dr1("空气收集器") & dr1("岗位") & dr1("采样点") & dr1("采样方式")