Dim Filter As String
Dim dst As Table=Tables("历年绩效数据库")
With e.Form.Controls("TextBox2")
If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
Filter = "姓名= '" & .Value & "'"
End If
End With
With e.Form.Controls("TextBox1")
If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
Filter = "工号= '" & .Value & "'"
End If
End With
With e.Form.Controls("StartDate")
If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
If Filter >"" Then
Filter = Filter & " And "
End If
Filter = Filter & "日期 >= #" & .Value & "#"
End If
End With
With e.Form.Controls("EndDate")
If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
If Filter >"" Then
Filter = Filter & " And "
End If
Filter = Filter & "日期<= #" & .Value & "#"
End If
End With
If Filter > "" Then
Tables("历年绩效数据库").Filter = Filter
End If
该字符串未被识别为有效的 DateTime。有一个从索引 9 处开始的未知字。