1. 以下是什么意思?能去掉吗?
With Ctype(tpb.BaseControl, C1Command.C1TopicBar)
If System.Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major < 6 Then
.VisualStyle = C1Command.VisualStyle.WindowsXP
.VisualStyle = C1Command.VisualStyle.Office2010Blue
End If
.Padding = New Windows.Forms.Padding(4)
End With
2. 以下是什么意思?能去掉吗?帮助中没有
tpb.Animation = False
Dim tpb As WinForm.TopicBar = e.Form.Controls("TopicBar1")
With Ctype(tpb.BaseControl, C1Command.C1TopicBar)
If System.Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major < 6 Then
.VisualStyle = C1Command.VisualStyle.WindowsXP
.VisualStyle = C1Command.VisualStyle.Office2010Blue
End If
.Padding = New Windows.Forms.Padding(4)
End With
tpb.Animation = False
With tpb.Pages
.Add("特色功能", "特色功能", "foxtable.ico").Collapsed = True
.Add("轻松录入", "轻松录入", "edit.ico").Collapsed = True
.Add("汇总模式", "汇总模式", "07372.ico").Collapsed = True
End With
With tpb.Pages("特色功能").Links
.Add("汇总模式", "汇总模式")
.Add("轻松录入", "轻松录入")
.Add("框架模式", "框架模式")
End With
With tpb.Pages("轻松录入").Links
.Add("目录列表", "目录列表")
End With
With tpb.Pages("汇总模式").Links
.Add("汇总模式", "汇总模式")
.Add("日期统计", "日期统计")
.Add("截止统计", "截止统计")
End With
tpb.Animation = True