Dim dlg As New OpenFileDialog '定义一个新的OpenFileDialog
dlg.Filter= "Excel文件|*.xls" '设置筛选器
If dlg.ShowDialog = DialogResult.Ok Then '如果用户单击了确定按钮
e.Sender.Text = "导入中……"
Dim Book As New XLS.Book(dlg.FileName)
Dim Sheet As XLS.Sheet = Book.Sheets(0)
Dim nms() As String = {"窑号","窑洞","数量","单位","出窑人","担当","录入时间","验收时间","商品名"}
For n As Integer = 1 To Sheet.Rows.Count -1
Dim bh As String = "窑号 ='" & sheet(n,0).Text & "' and 窑洞 = " & sheet(n,1).Text & " and 数量 = " & sheet(n,3).Text & " and 出窑人 = '" & sheet(n,5).Text & "' and 验收时间 = #" & sheet(n,6).Text & "# and 商品名 = '" & sheet(n,2).Text & "'"
If DataTables("入库明细表").sqlFind(bh) Is Nothing Then '如果不存在同编号的订单
Dim r As Row = Tables("入库明细表").AddNew()
For m As Integer = 0 To nms.Length - 1
r(nms(m)) = Sheet(n,m).Value
End If
e.Sender.Text = "导入"
'Dim dtb As New DataTableBuilder("导入临时表")
'dtb.AddDef("窑号", Gettype(String), 5)
'dtb.AddDef("窑洞", Gettype(Short))
'dtb.AddDef("商品名", Gettype(String), 8)
'dtb.AddDef("数量", Gettype(Integer))
'dtb.AddDef("单位", Gettype(String), 2)
'dtb.AddDef("出窑人", Gettype(String), 5)
'dtb.AddDef("验收时间", Gettype(Date))
'dtb.AddDef("录入时间", Gettype(Date))
'dtb.AddDef("担当", Gettype(String), 5)
'Dim mg As New Merger
'mg.SourcePath = dlg.FileName
'mg.Format = "excel" '指定格式
'mg.SourceTableName = "导出的临时数据$" '指定要合并的表
'mg.DataTableName = "入库明细表" '指定接收数据的表
'mg.Merge() '开始合并
''Dim f As New Filler
''f.SourceTable = DataTables("导入临时表") '指定数据来源
''f.DataTable = DataTables("入库明细表") '指定数据接收表
''f.ExcludeExistValue = True
''f.Fill() '填充数据
End If