Foxtable(狐表)用户栏目专家坐堂 → 自动默认为0的函数如何写?



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等级:一尾狐 帖子:485 积分:3926 威望:0 精华:6 注册:2009/3/29 13:25:00
  发帖心情 Post By:2015/11/12 2:55:00 [显示全部帖子]

Dim dr As DataRow
Dim dd As DataRow 
Dim dc As DataRow  
dr = DataTables("进货明细").Find("条码号 = '"& e.Form.Controls("combobox1").text & "'and 基本款号 = '" & e.Form.Controls("combobox2").text & "'")
dd= DataTables("销售表").find("条码号 = '"& e.Form.Controls("combobox1").text & "'and 基本款号 = '" & e.Form.Controls("combobox2").text & "'")
dc= DataTables("退货表").Find("条码号 = '"& e.Form.Controls("combobox1").text & "'and 退货款号 = '" & e.Form.Controls("combobox2").text & "'")
‘If dr IsNot Nothing And dd IsNot Nothing And dc IsNot Nothing Then  
e.Form.Controls("label11").text = IIF(dr = Nothing ,0,dr("件数")) - IIF(dd = Nothing,0,dd("件数")) -IIF(dc = Nothing,0,dc("件数")  )
