'--- 定义参数
Dim mypath As String =args(0)
Dim xmBH As String = args(1)
Dim xmName As String = args(2)
Dim xmImgName As String = args(3)
Dim xmImgBh As String = args(4)
Dim ImgSj As String = args(5)
Dim ImgSh As String = args(6)
Dim ImgShrq As String = args(7)
Dim Cpsm As String = args(8)
Dim Doc As new PrintDoc
Doc.PageSetting.TopMargin = 10
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Doc.PageSetting.Landscape = True
Dim img As new prt.RenderImage
img.Image = Getimage(mypath)
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rt.Rows.Count = 10
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rt.Cells(0,1).SpanCols = 2
rt.Cells(0,0).RenderObject = img
'-- 表格赋值
Dim imglogo As new prt.RenderImage
imglogo.Image = Getimage("Armoita.jpg")
imglogo.Style.Padding.Left = 10
rt.Rows(0).Height = 30
rt.Cells(0,1).RenderObject = imglogo
For n As Integer = 1 To 4
rt.Rows(n).Height = 11
rt.Rows(n).Style.TextAlignHorz = prt.AlignHorzEnum.Left
For n As Integer = 5 To 8
rt.Rows(n).Height = 9
rt.Cells(1,1).SpanCols = 2
rt.Cells(1,1).text = " 项目编号:" & xmBh
rt.Cells(2,1).SpanCols = 2
rt.Cells(2,1).text = " 项目名称:" & xmName
rt.Cells(3,1).SpanCols = 2
rt.Cells(3,1).text = " 图纸名称:" & xmImgName.Replace(chr(10),"")
rt.Cells(4,1).SpanCols = 2
rt.Cells(4,1).text = " 图纸编号:" & xmImgBh
rt.Cells(5,1).text = "设计"
rt.Cells(5,2).text = ImgSj
rt.Cells(6,1).text = "审核"
rt.Cells(6,2).text = ImgSh
rt.Cells(7,1).text = "日期"
rt.Cells(7,2).text = ImgShrq
rt.Cells(8,1).text = "图号"
rt.Cells(8,2).text = xmImgBh
rt.Cells(9,1).SpanCols = 2
rt.Cells(9,1).text = " 产品说明:" & chr(10) & " " & Cpsm
rt.Cells(9,1).Style.TextAlignHorz = prt.AlignHorzEnum.Left