Foxtable(狐表)用户栏目专家坐堂 → 为什么查询姓名的时候不出来呢?



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等级:四尾狐 帖子:928 积分:7769 威望:0 精华:13 注册:2008/9/1 11:58:00
  发帖心情 Post By:2013/4/11 11:52:00 [显示全部帖子]

Dim Filter As String
With e.Form.Controls("姓名")
    If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
        Filter ="姓名 like '%" & .Value &"%'"
    End If
End With
With e.Form.Controls("部门")
    If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
        If Filter > "" Then
            Filter = Filter & " And "
        End If
        Filter = Filter & "部门 = '" & .Value & "'"
    End If
End With
With e.Form.Controls("性别")
    If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
        If Filter >"" Then
            Filter = Filter & " And "
        End If
        Filter = Filter & "性别 = '" & .Value & "'"
    End If
End With
If Filter > "" Then
    Tables("员工信息").Filter = Filter
End If
