if sum <0 Then If dr("联系人")=nothing And dr("朱涛") = true And Math.abs(sum) = 3 Then dr("人均案件数") = 1/(Math.abs(sum)-1) dr("案数朱") = nothing Elseif dr("联系人")=nothing And dr("朱涛") = true And Math.abs(sum) <> 3 Then dr("人均案件数") = 1/Math.abs(sum) dr("案数朱") = dr("人均案件数") Elseif dr("联系人") =nothing And dr("朱涛")= False Then dr("人均案件数") = 1/Math.abs(sum) dr("案数朱") = nothing elseIF dr("联系人") IsNot nothing Then dr("人均案件数") = nothing dr("案数朱") = nothing Else dr("人均案件数") = 1/Math.abs(sum) End If End If