Dim dt As DataTable = DataTables("在籍学生信息")
Dim Filter As String = "[班级] = '" & e.Node.name & "' And 学期 = '" & e.Node.ParentNode.name & "'"
Dim drs As List(of DataRow) = dt.Select(Filter,"")
For i As Integer = 0 To drs.Count - 1
If e.Form.ExistControl("Lable" & i+1) Then
e.Form.Controls("Lable" & i+1).text = drs(i)("姓名")
e.Form.Controls("PictureBox" & i + 1).Image = GetImage(drs(i)("照片"))
End If
For i As Integer = drs.Count To 7
If e.Form.ExistControl("Lable" & i+1) Then
e.Form.Controls("Lable" & i + 1).text = ""
e.Form.Controls("PictureBox" & i + 1).Image = Nothing
End If
e.Form.Controls("Label1").text = drs.count
e.Form.Controls("Label2").text = dt.Compute("count(性别)",Filter & " And 性别 = '男'")
e.Form.Controls("Label3").text = dt.Compute("count(性别)",Filter & " And 性别 = '女'")