以下是引用mr725在2009-3-13 21:46:00的发言:
The E-Mail sent to you last have something error, I mean that while useing the paper User-Defined and width large than height ,sothat no matter what or how the property of LANDSCAPE to be set up True or False , the printing direction is throughout the level, but is not usual downward prints from.many documents,in fact,are wider than high,and direction printed from up go down, may to meet the requirements.
My e-mails on the formulation of an error, I mean, if you are using a custom paper, and paper width greater than height, then set the property regardless of Landscape True or False, printing has always been the level of direction, rather than the usual Print from up down. In fact a lot of documents, are wider than high, and on down from the print, only to meet the requirements.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-13 22:19:51编辑过]