Dim Chart As WinForm.Chart '定义一个图表变量
Dim Series As WinForm.ChartSeries '定义一个图系变量
Dim t As Table = Tables("窗口3_Table1") '定义一个变量t引用数据表
Chart = e.Form.Controls("Chart1") ' 引用窗口中的图表
Chart.ChartType = ChartTypeEnum.Bar '图表类型改为Bar(条形)
Chart.VisualEffect = False
Chart.SeriesList.Clear() '清除图表原来的图系
For r As Integer = 0 To t.Rows.count - 1
Series = Chart.SeriesList.Add() '增加一个图系
Series.Text = t.rows(r)("年") '设置图系的标题
Series.Length = t.Cols.Count - 1 '设置图系的长度
For c As Integer = 1 To t.Cols.count - 1
Series.X(c - 1) = t.Rows(0)(t.Cols(c).caption)
Series.Y(c - 1) = t.Rows(r)(c)
' Chart.AxisX.SetValueLabel(c - 1, t.Cols(c).caption) '指定字符表示
Chart.AxisX.AnnoWithLabels = True '启用字符标示
Chart.LegendVisible = True '显示图列
Chart.LegendCompass = CompassEnum.South '图列显示在南方(底端)