Dim fl As String = "d:\test.xls"
Tables("表A").SaveExcel(fl, "12345")
Dim Book As New XLS.Book(fl)
Dim s As XLS.Sheet = book.Sheets("12345")
For j As Integer = 0 To s.Cols.Count - 1
If s(0, j).Text = "第一列" Then
For i As Integer = 1 To s.Rows.Count - 1
If s(i, j).Text = "0" Then
s(i, j).Value = "AAA"
ElseIf s(i, j).Text = "1" Then
s(i, j).Value = "BBB"
End If
End If
Book.Save(fl) '保存工作簿
Dim Proc As New Process '打开工作簿
Proc.File = fl