Foxtable(狐表)用户栏目专家坐堂 → 关联查询,查询结果不对



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关联查询,查询结果不对  发帖心情 Post By:2013/6/17 10:44:00 [只看该作者]

        Dim cmd As New SQLCommand
        Dim sql As String
        Dim yj As Integer=0
        If values.Length >1 Then
            sql="SELECT a.JTPH, a.buyer_name,sum(case when a.status = 1 and b.inout=1  then a.balance else  0 end)+sum(case when a.status = 1 and b.inout=0  then a.balance+a.amount else  0 end)+sum(case when a.status = 0 and b.inout=0  then a.amount else  0 end) as 可退保证金,sum(Case when a.status=1 Then a.balance Else 0 End) As balance FROM GuarantyFundall a LEFT JOIN GuarantyFund_Operation_Type b ON a.operation_type = b.operation_type  where (a.status = 1  Or (a.operation_type=2 And a.status=0)) and  a.buyer_name in(" & name & ") GROUP BY a.JTPH,a.buyer_name "
            sql="SELECT a.JTPH, a.buyer_name,sum(case when a.status = 1 and b.inout=1  then a.balance else  0 end)+sum(case when a.status = 1 and b.inout=0  then a.balance+a.amount else  0 end)+sum(case when a.status = 0 and b.inout=0  then a.amount else  0 end) as 可退保证金,sum(Case when a.status=1 Then a.balance Else 0 End) As balance FROM GuarantyFundall a LEFT JOIN GuarantyFund_Operation_Type b ON a.operation_type = b.operation_type  where (a.status = 1  Or (a.operation_type=2 And a.status=0)) and a.buyer_name=" & name & " GROUP BY a.JTPH,a.buyer_name"
        End If
        Dim dt As Table = Tables("GuarantyFundall")
        dt.DataSource = cmd.ExecuteReader()


sql语句没有问题,查出来的数据不是最新的!代码在命令窗口执行也不是最新的,sql语句在执行sql里面 数据就对了,和数据库一样!这是怎么回事
