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--  作者:天蝉一线
--  发布时间:2016/9/21 11:34:00
--  日期的问题
Dim y As Integer = Date.Today.Year
Dim nf As Date = DataTables("大额资金支出备案明细表").Datarows("申报备案时间")
Dim cnt1 As Integer = DataTables("大额资金支出备案明细表").Compute("Count(_Identify)","审核结果 = \'审核未通过\' And 过会结果=\'\'")
Dim cnt2 As Integer = DataTables("大额资金支出备案明细表").Compute("Count(_Identify)","审核结果 =\'审核通过\' and 过会结果=\'\'")
Dim cnt3 As Integer = DataTables("大额资金支出备案明细表").Compute("Count(_Identify)","过会结果 = \'通过\' And nf.year =\'" & y & "\'")
Dim cnt4 As Integer = DataTables("大额资金支出备案明细表").Compute("Count(_Identify)","过会结果 = \'未通过\' And nf.year =\'" & y & "\'")
e.Form.Controls("shtg1").value = "审核通过(" & cnt2 & ")条"  
e.Form.Controls("shtg2").value ="审核未通过(" & cnt1 & ")条"


--  作者:有点蓝
--  发布时间:2016/9/21 11:44:00
Dim nf As Date = DataTables("大额资金支出备案明细表").Datarows(0)("申报备案时间")
--  作者:天蝉一线
--  发布时间:2016/9/21 12:02:00
Dim cnt3 As Integer = DataTables("大额资金支出备案明细表").Compute("Count(_Identify)","过会结果 = \'通过\' And nf.year =\'" & y & "\'")
Dim cnt4 As Integer = DataTables("大额资金支出备案明细表").Compute("Count(_Identify)","过会结果 = \'未通过\' And nf.year =\'" & y & "\'")


--  作者:有点蓝
--  发布时间:2016/9/21 14:12:00

Dim cnt3 As Integer = DataTables("大额资金支出备案明细表").sqlCompute("Count(_Identify)","过会结果 = \'通过\' And year(申报备案时间) =" & y )
Dim cnt4 As Integer = DataTables("大额资金支出备案明细表").sqlCompute("Count(_Identify)","过会结果 = \'未通过\' And year(申报备案时间) =" & y )