以文本方式查看主题 - Foxtable(狐表) (http://foxtable.com/bbs/index.asp) -- 专家坐堂 (http://foxtable.com/bbs/list.asp?boardid=2) ---- systemidle事件代码请教 (http://foxtable.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=81300) |
-- 作者:ljh29206 -- 发布时间:2016/2/24 9:55:00 -- systemidle事件代码请教 \'QQ闪烁 Static OpenQQ As RibbonMenu.Button Static LastTime As Date If OpenQQ Is Nothing Then OpenQQ = ConfigBar.Items("OpenQQ") End If Dim txt As String If QQClient.Ready If QQClient.UnreadCount > 0 Then txt = "(" & QQClient.UnreadCount & "条)" End If End If If OpenQQ.Text <> txt Then OpenQQ.Text = txt End If If OpenQQ.Text > "" Then Dim ntp As timeSpan = Date.Now - LastTime If ntp.TotalSeconds >= 0.5 Then LastTime = Date.Now If OpenQQ.ForeColor = Color.Red Then OpenQQ.ForeColor = Color.Transparent Else OpenQQ.ForeColor = Color.Red End If End If End If \'待办事件闪烁 Static workwait As RibbonMenu.Button Static LastTime1 As Date If workwait Is Nothing Then workwait = ConfigBar.Items("待办事宜") End If Dim txt1 As String Dim drsp As List(Of DataRow) drsp = DataTables("信息查阅情况").Select("状态 = 0 and 人名 = \'" & Vars("user") & "\' and 会议开始时间 > #" & Date.now & "#") If drsp.Count > 0 Then txt1 = "(" & drsp.Count & "件)" Else txt1= "" End If If workwait.Text <> txt1 Then workwait.Text = txt1 End If If drsp.Count > 0 Then Dim ntp As timeSpan = Date.Now - LastTime1 If ntp.TotalSeconds >= 0.5 Then LastTime1 = Date.Now If workwait.ForeColor = Color.Red Then workwait.ForeColor = Color.Transparent Else workwait.ForeColor = Color.Red End If End If End If Static biaoqian As RibbonMenu.Label If biaoqian Is Nothing Then biaoqian = ConfigBar.Items("标签1") ‘用于固定配置栏的长度 End If If txt.Contains("(") AndAlso txt1.Contains("(") Then biaoqian.text = " " End If If txt.Contains("(") AndAlso txt1.Contains("(") = False Then biaoqian.text = " " End If If txt.Contains("(") = False AndAlso txt1.Contains("(") Then biaoqian.text = " " End If If txt.Contains("(") = False AndAlso txt1.Contains("(") = False Then biaoqian.text = " " End If systemidle事件里面加了红色的代码 就会报错,提示 未应用到实例中
-- 作者:大红袍 -- 发布时间:2016/2/24 9:58:00 -- 不应该报错的,你赋初值看看
Dim txt As String = "" |