以文本方式查看主题 - Foxtable(狐表) (http://foxtable.com/bbs/index.asp) -- 专家坐堂 (http://foxtable.com/bbs/list.asp?boardid=2) ---- [求助]datacolchanged (http://foxtable.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=80325) |
-- 作者:huhu -- 发布时间:2016/1/20 17:29:00 -- [求助]datacolchanged SN:20013040150 MAC:84:79:73:06:9e:40 H/W:MFRP0640080330BD00 希望把上面的字符串输入到e.datarow("SN"),能自动截取出SN,MAC,H/W。然后SN触发datacolchanged,然后去各字段的值。 是不是红色的代码不应该写入到datacolchange里面? 好像截取的也不对。 Dim str As String = e.DataRow("SN") If str.Contains("SN:") And str.Contains("MAC:") And str.Contains("H/W:") Then If str.IndexOf("MAC:") > 0 Then e.DataRow("SN") = str.SubString(3,str.IndexOf("MAC:")-2) ElseIf str.IndexOf("MAC:") > 0 Then e.DataRow("MAC") = str.SubString(str.IndexOf("MAC:") + 4, str.IndexOf("H/W:")-2) ElseIf str.IndexOf("H/W:") > 0 Then e.DataRow("H/W") = str.SubString(str.IndexOf("H/W:")+3) End If End If If e.DataCol.name = "SN" Then Dim nms() As String = {"生产订单号码","工单行号","物料编码","物料名称","类别说明","产品批次","订单号","订单行号","客户","备注","软件版本","提示"} If e.NewValue Is Nothing Then For Each nm As String In nms e.DataRow(nm) = Nothing Next Else Dim dr1 As DataRow = DataTables("assemblyProduct").Find("deviceCode = \'" & e.DataRow("SN") & "\'") If dr1 IsNot Nothing Then Dim dr2 As DataRow = DataTables("assemblySubWorkOrder").Find("SID = \'" & dr1("subWorkOrder") & "\'") If dr2 IsNot Nothing Then e.DataRow("工单行号") = dr2("LineFlag") Dim dr3 As DataRow = DataTables("assemblyWorkOrder").Find("Id = \'" & dr2("workOrder") & "\'") If dr3 IsNot Nothing Then e.DataRow("生产订单号码") = dr3("WorkOrderNo") Dim dr4 As DataRow = DataTables("批量").Find("生产订单号码 = \'" & e.DataRow("生产订单号码") & "\' and 工单行号 = \'" & e.DataRow("工单行号") & "\'") If dr4 IsNot Nothing Then e.DataRow("物料编码") = dr4("物料编码") e.DataRow("物料名称") = dr4("物料名称") e.DataRow("类别说明") = dr4("类别说明") e.DataRow("产品批次") = dr4("产品批次") e.DataRow("订单号") = dr4("订单号") e.DataRow("订单行号") = dr4("订单行号") e.DataRow("客户") = dr4("客户") e.DataRow("备注") = dr4("备注") e.DataRow("软件版本") = dr4("软件版本") e.DataRow("数量") = 1 Dim drksl As WinForm.Button = Forms("盘库扫描").Controls("Button2") Dim sum As Integer = DataTables("盘货扫描").Compute("SUM(数量)") drksl.text = "待入库数量" & "(" & sum & ")" End If End If End If Else e.DataRow("提示") = "序列号不存在" End If End If End If
[此贴子已经被作者于2016/1/20 17:37:04编辑过]
-- 作者:大红袍 -- 发布时间:2016/1/20 17:42:00 -- 没看到你什么意思,参考代码
Dim str As String = "SN:20013040150 MAC:84:79:73:06:9e:40 H/W:MFRP0640080330BD00" |