-- 作者:bm
-- 发布时间:2014/12/15 20:39:00
-- 需要年和月份统计
Dim F As String With e.Form.Controls("开始日期2") If .Value IsNot Nothing Then If F >"" Then F = F & " And " End If F = F & "作业日期 >= #" & .Value & "#" End If End With With e.Form.Controls("结束日期2") If .Value IsNot Nothing Then If F >"" Then F = F & " And " End If F = F & "作业日期 <= #" & .Value & "#" End If End With Dim dt As DataTable Dim jb As new SQLJoinTableBuilder("查询表1","业务大表") jb.C jb.Filter = F jb.AddCols("作业日期", "客户") jb.AddExp("利润分析","iif(利润分析 Is null,0,利润分析)") dt = jb.Build(True)
Dim cb As new CrossTableBuilder("客户欠款",jb.BuildSQL) cb.C cb.VGroups.AddDef("客户") cb.HGroups.AddDef("作业日期","月") cb.Totals.AddDef("利润分析") cb.Build()
Dim Chart As WinForm.Chart = e.Form.Controls("Chart4") Dim Series As WinForm.ChartSeries Chart.DataSource = "客户欠款" Chart.ChartType = ChartTypeEnum.Bar Chart.SeriesList.Clear()
For Each i As Col In Tables("客户欠款").Cols If i.Name <> "月" Then Series = Chart.SeriesList.Add() Series.Text = i.Caption Series.X.DataField = "月" Series.Y.DataField = i.Name Series.DataLabelText = "{#YVAL}" Series.DataLabelBackColor = Color.DimGray Series.DataLabelForeColor = Color.white Series.DataLabelCompass = LabelCompassEnum.West Series.Y.DataType = Gettype(Double) End If Next Chart.Axisx.Major = 1 Chart.Inverted = True Chart.Stacked = True Chart.LegendVisible = True Chart.LegendCompass = CompassEnum.East Dim g As String = cint(dt.Compute("Sum(利润分析)")) 上面的代码只能统计到月,能否按年月来统计