-- 作者:weijun
-- 发布时间:2014/8/8 15:28:00
-- [求助]合并数据出错
Dim dlg As New OpenFileDialog \'定义一个新的OpenFileDialog dlg.Filter= "Excel文件|*.xls" \'设置筛选器 If dlg.ShowDialog = DialogResult.Ok Then \'如果用户单击了确定按钮 Dim c As Integer = 0 Dim Book As New XLS.Book(dlg.FileName) Dim Sheet As XLS.Sheet = Book.Sheets(0) Tables("厂发货登记").StopRedraw() \'注意以下数组中列名称的顺序,必须和Excel表中的列顺序一致 Dim nms() As String = {"发货日期","车号","到站","规格","件数","吨位","实重","区号","货位","备注"} \'注意下面的循环变量从1开始,而不是从0开始,因为Excel表的第一行是标题 For n As Integer = 1 To Sheet.Rows.Count -1 Dim ch As String = sheet(n,1).Text Dim gg As String = sheet(n,3).Text Dim dw As String = sheet(n,5).Text If DataTables("厂发货登记").Find("车号 = \'" & ch & "\' and 规格=\'" & gg & "\' and 吨位=" & dw) Is Nothing Then \'如果不存在同编号的订单 c = c + 1 Dim r As Row = Tables("厂发货登记").AddNew() For m As Integer = 0 To nms.Length - 1 r(nms(m)) = Sheet(n,m).Value Next End If Next Tables("厂发货登记").ResumeRedraw() DataTables("厂发货登记").Save MessageBox.Show("导入完成,共导入" & c & "条记录") End If
.NET Framework 版本:2.0.50727.3053 Foxtable 版本:2014.8.6.1 错误所在事件:窗口,厂发货登记,Button2,Click 详细错误信息: Syntax error: Missing operand after \'=\' operator.