
-  Foxtable(狐表)  (http://foxtable.com/bbs/index.asp)
--  专家坐堂  (http://foxtable.com/bbs/list.asp?boardid=2)
----  求助:如何计算物品入库中入库物品的种数 如何查找并显示当前库存小于300的物品 并全部显示出来如:白菜,库存100需采购200|牛肉,库存100需采购200  (http://foxtable.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=53518)

--  作者:李孝春
--  发布时间:2014/7/9 17:46:00
--  求助:如何计算物品入库中入库物品的种数 如何查找并显示当前库存小于300的物品 并全部显示出来如:白菜,库存100需采购200|牛肉,库存100需采购200



Dim xxl As WinForm.TopicBar = Forms("主窗体").Controls("TopicBar1")
Dim kg1 As String = "------"
Dim jy As WinForm.TopicPage =xxl.Pages("今日信息")
jy.Links(1).Text = "今日消费金额【" & DataTables("消费明细").Compute("sum(累计消费)","消费时间 >= #" & Date.Today & " 00:00:00#  and 消费时间<= #" & Date.Today & " 23:59:59#") & "】元"
jy.Links(0).Text = "今日就餐人数【" & DataTables("消费信息").Compute("sum(就餐人数)","就餐时间 >= #" & Date.Today & " 00:00:00#  and 就餐时间<= #" & Date.Today & " 23:59:59#") & "】人"
jy.Links(2).Text = "今日结账金额【" & DataTables("结账登记").Compute("sum(消费金额)","结账时间 >= #" & Date.Today & " 00:00:00#  and 结账时间<= #" & Date.Today & " 23:59:59#") & "】人"
Dim A1 As Integer = DataTables("消费明细").Compute("sum(累计消费)","消费时间 >= #" & Date.Today & " 00:00:00#  and 消费时间<= #" & Date.Today & " 23:59:59#")
Dim b1 As Integer = DataTables("结账登记").Compute("sum(消费金额)","结账时间 >= #" & Date.Today & " 00:00:00#  and 结账时间<= #" & Date.Today & " 23:59:59#")
Dim c1 As Integer
c1 = a1-b1
jy.Links(3).Text = "尚未结账金额【" & c1 & "】元"
Dim jy1 As WinForm.TopicPage =xxl.Pages("历史信息")
jy1.Links(1).Text = "历史营业金额【" & DataTables("消费明细").Compute("sum(累计消费)") & "】元"
jy1.Links(0).Text = "历史就餐人数【" & DataTables("消费信息").Compute("sum(就餐人数)") & "】人"  \'CUNumber
jy1.Links(2).Text = "历史结账金额【" & DataTables("结账登记").Compute("sum(消费金额)") & "】元"
Dim A As Integer = DataTables("消费明细").Compute("sum(累计消费)")
Dim b As Integer = DataTables("结账登记").Compute("sum(消费金额)")
Dim c As Integer
c = a-b
jy1.Links(3).Text = "尚未结账金额【" & c & "】元"        \'CUMoney(DataTables("消费明细").Compute("sum(累计消费)"))

Dim jy2 As WinForm.TopicPage =xxl.Pages("物品信息")
Dim cnt As Integer =  DataTables("入库出库").Select("库存 <= 300").Count
If cnt > 0 Then
    Tables("入库出库").filter = "库存 <= 300"
    \'messagebox.show("总共有" & cnt & "件物品急需采购!","提 示",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Information)
End If
jy2.Links(3).Text = "急需采购物品【" & cnt & "】种"  ‘如:白菜,库存100需采购200|牛肉,库存100需采购200
jy2.links(2).text = "今日入库物品【" & DataTables("入库出库").Compute("sum(_Identify)","入库时间 >= #" & Date.Today & " 00:00:00#  and 入库时间<= #" & Date.Today & " 23:59:59#") & "】种【" & DataTables("入库出库").Compute("sum(入库)","入库时间 >= #" & Date.Today & " 00:00:00#  and 入库时间<= #" & Date.Today & " 23:59:59#") & "】件"
jy2.links(1).text = "今日出库物品【" & DataTables("入库出库").Compute("sum(出库)","出库时间 >= #" & Date.Today & " 00:00:00#  and 出库时间<= #" & Date.Today & " 23:59:59#") & "】件"

求助:如何查找并显示当前库存小于300的物品 并全部显示出来如:白菜,库存100需采购200|牛肉,库存100需采购200 并显示在框内


[此贴子已经被作者于2014-7-10 10:04:29编辑过]

--  作者:有点甜
--  发布时间:2014/7/9 18:08:00



jy2.links(2).text = "今日入库物品【" & DataTables("入库出库").Compute("count(物品名称)","入库时间 >= #" & Date.Today & " 00:00:00#  and 入库时间<= #" & Date.Today & " 23:59:59#") & "】种"

--  作者:有点甜
--  发布时间:2014/7/9 18:22:00



Dim ls As List(Of String) = DataTables("入库出库").GetValues("物品名称", "库存 <= 300 and 物品名称 is not null")
Dim idxs As String = "-1,"
Dim info As String = ""
For Each s As String In ls
    Dim fdr As DataRow = DataTables("入库出库").Find("物品名称 = \'" & s & "\'", "入库时间 desc, 出库时间 desc")
    If fdr IsNot Nothing Then
        idxs &= fdr("_Identify") & ","
        Info &= s & "库存:" & fdr("库存") & vbcrlf
    End If
Tables("入库出库").Filter = "_Identify in (" & idxs.TrimEnd(",") & ")"
MyTimers("计划1").Enabled = False
MyTimers("计划1").Enabled = True
jy2.Links(3).Text = "急需采购物品【" & ls.count & "】种"

--  作者:李孝春
--  发布时间:2014/7/10 10:04:00
--  回复:(有点甜) 问题一 Dim ls As Li...