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-- 作者:hzcaqjf -- 发布时间:2013/10/17 16:26:00 -- [求助]遍历打印时光标如何定位在正在打印的行? Dim doc As New PrintDoc \'定义一个报表 Dim rx As prt.RenderText \'定义一个文本对象 Dim CurRow As Row If Tables("表A").count > 0 Then For i As Integer = 0 To Tables("表A").Count - 1 CurRow = Tables("表A").Rows(i) Doc = New PrintDoc doc.PageSetting.Width = 230 \'纸张宽度为230毫米 doc.PageSetting.Height = 100 \'纸张高度为100毫米 doc.AutoRotate = False rx = new prt.RenderText rx.Text = CurRow("第一列") rx.x = 20 rx.y = 20 doc.body.Children.Add(rx) doc.Print() \'打印报表 Next End If 请问,执行上述代码时,如何使"表A"中光标始终定位在正在打印的行上? 如果缺纸或卡纸,光标停在该行不动. 打印完毕后,光标自动移至下一行,打印机才又开始自动打印.
-- 作者:Bin -- 发布时间:2013/10/17 16:29:00 -- For i As Integer = 0 To Tables("表A").Count - 1 Tables("表A").Position=i CurRow = Tables("表A").Rows(i) Doc = New PrintDoc doc.PageSetting.Width = 230 \'纸张宽度为230毫米 doc.PageSetting.Height = 100 \'纸张高度为100毫米 doc.AutoRotate = False rx = new prt.RenderText rx.Text = CurRow("第一列") rx.x = 20 rx.y = 20 doc.body.Children.Add(rx) doc.Print() \'打印报表 Next