以文本方式查看主题 - Foxtable(狐表) (http://foxtable.com/bbs/index.asp) -- 专家坐堂 (http://foxtable.com/bbs/list.asp?boardid=2) ---- [求助]index was outside the bounds of the array . (http://foxtable.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=179685) |
-- 作者:dj68301367 -- 发布时间:2022/9/3 14:30:00 -- [求助]index was outside the bounds of the array . 发布至客户的总是出现以下错误!服务端是Win7系统,会不会因为不是Sever导致的。 另外一个客户,同样的软件,就没出现过。
.NET Framework 版本:4.0.30319.42000 Foxtable 版本:2022.6.22.1 错误所在事件:项目,Server 详细错误信息: Index was outside the bounds of the array. |
-- 作者:有点蓝 -- 发布时间:2022/9/3 16:06:00 -- 【错误所在事件:项目,Server】这个是指openqq的服务端事件有问题 【Index was outside the bounds of the array】指索引超界,应该是用到集合等地方有问题
-- 作者:dj68301367 -- 发布时间:2023/9/18 18:00:00 -- 老师,终于试出问题了, 保存命令代码: e.Form.Controls("Text订单编号").text = Functions.Execute("QQClientSendWait", "GetBH@_销售订单") QQClientSendWait 代码: Dim dh As String = Nothing If QQClient.Ready = False Then Functions.Execute("SetServer") If QQClient.Ready = True Then Do dh = QQClient.SendWait(args(0), 5) Loop While dh = "" End If Return dh SetServer 代码 If QQClient.Ready = False Then Do While QQClient.Ready = False If Vars("ServerIP").Contains(":") = False Then Vars("ServerIP") = Forms("Main").Controls("TextServerIP").Text If Vars("ServerIP").Contains(":") Then Dim Sips() As String = Vars("ServerIP").split(":") QQClient.ServerIP = sips(0) QQClient.ServerPort = sips(1) QQClient.Start() End If Loop End If 服务端代码 Dim msg As String = e.Message If msg.StartsWith("GetBH@_") Then Dim Bname As String = msg.Split("_")(1) cmd.CommandText = "Sel ect * From {BDLB} Where [Name] = \'" & Bname & "\'" Dim vas = cmd.ExecuteValues If vas.Count > 0 Then Dim Smx As Long = vas("StrMax") + 1 e.ReturnValue = vas("ParNo") & format(smx, vas("StrLong")) cmd.CommandText = "U PDATE {BDLB} SET strmax = " & smx & " WHERE Itid = " & vas("itid") cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() End If End If |
-- 作者:有点蓝 -- 发布时间:2023/9/18 20:15:00 -- 服务端代码 Dim msg As String = e.Message If msg.StartsWith("GetBH@_") Then Dim Bname As String = msg.Split("_")(1) cmd.CommandText = "Sel ect * From {BDLB} Where [Name] = \'" & Bname & "\'" Dim dt as datatable = cmd.ExecuteReader If dt.datarows.Count > 0 Then dim dr as datarow = dt.datarows(0) Dim Smx As Long = dr("StrMax") + 1 e.ReturnValue = dr("ParNo") & format(smx, dr("StrLong")) cmd.CommandText = "U PDATE {BDLB} SET strmax = " & smx & " WHERE Itid = " & dr("itid") cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() End If End If 另外服务端UserLogging代码发上来看看 |