
-  Foxtable(狐表)  (http://foxtable.com/bbs/index.asp)
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--  作者:11112
--  发布时间:2021/9/29 13:44:00
--  交叉检索搜索
--  作者:有点蓝
--  发布时间:2021/9/29 13:47:00
--  作者:11112
--  发布时间:2021/9/29 14:06:00
--  作者:有点蓝
--  发布时间:2021/9/29 14:11:00
--  作者:11112
--  发布时间:2021/9/29 14:59:00
我这个如果要交集的话是不是要Dim Filter As String
With e.Form.Controls("开始2")
    If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
        Filter = Filter & "记录时间 >= #" & .Value & "#"
    End If
End With

With e.Form.Controls("开始")
    If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
        If Filter >"" Then
            Filter = Filter & " or "
        End If
        Filter = Filter & "记录时间 >= #" & .Value & "#"
    End If
End With
With e.Form.Controls("结束")
    If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
        If Filter >"" Then
            Filter = Filter & " or "
        End If
        Filter = Filter & "记录时间 <= #" & .Value & "#"
    End If
End With
With e.Form.Controls("结束")
    If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
        If Filter >"" Then
            Filter = Filter & " or "
        End If
        Filter = Filter & "记录时间 <= #" & .Value & "#"
    End If
End With
If Filter > "" Then
    Tables("主控窗口_Table2").Filter = Filter
End If

--  作者:11112
--  发布时间:2021/9/29 15:04:00
[此贴子已经被作者于2021/9/29 15:05:39编辑过]

--  作者:11112
--  发布时间:2021/9/29 15:08:00
--  作者:有点蓝
--  发布时间:2021/9/29 15:18:00
Dim Filter As String
With e.Form.Controls("开始")
    If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
        Filter = "(记录时间 >= #" & .Value & "#"
    End If
End With
With e.Form.Controls("结束")
    If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
        If Filter >"" Then
            Filter = Filter & " and "
        End If
        Filter = Filter & "记录时间 <= #" & .Value & "#)"
        Filter = Filter & ")"
    End If
End With

With e.Form.Controls("开始2")
    If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
        If Filter >"" Then
            Filter = Filter & " or "
        End If
        Filter = Filter & "(记录时间 >= #" & .Value & "#"
    End If
End With
With e.Form.Controls("结束2")
    If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
        If Filter >"" Then
            Filter = Filter & " and "
        End If
        Filter = Filter & "记录时间 <= #" & .Value & "#)"
        Filter = Filter & ")"
    End If
End With
If Filter > "" Then
    Tables("主控窗口_Table2").Filter = Filter
End If

--  作者:11112
--  发布时间:2021/9/29 15:34:00
Dim Filter As String
With e.Form.Controls("开始")
    If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
        Filter = "(记录时间 >= #" & .Value & "#"
    End If
End With
With e.Form.Controls("结束")
    If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
        If Filter >"" Then
            Filter = Filter & " and "
        End If
        Filter = Filter & "记录时间 <= #" & .Value & "#)"
        Filter = Filter & ")"
    End If
End With

With e.Form.Controls("开始2")
    If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
        If Filter >"" Then
            Filter = Filter & " or "
        End If
        Filter = Filter & "(记录时间 >= #" & .Value & "#"
    End If
End With
With e.Form.Controls("产品类别")
    If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
        If Filter > "" Then
            Filter = Filter & " And "
        End If
        Filter = Filter & "产品类别 = \'" & .Value & "\'"
    End If
End With
With e.Form.Controls("产品类别2")
    If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
        If Filter > "" Then
            Filter = Filter & " or "
        End If
        Filter = Filter & "产品类别 = \'" & .Value & "\'"
    End If
End With
With e.Form.Controls("结束2")
    If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
        If Filter >"" Then
            Filter = Filter & " and "
        End If
        Filter = Filter & "记录时间 <= #" & .Value & "#)"
        Filter = Filter & ")"
    End If
End With

If Filter > "" Then
    Tables("主控窗口_Table2").Filter = Filter
End If 老师是不是一个是and 一个是or 他说我右括号太多了

--  作者:有点蓝
--  发布时间:2021/9/29 15:47:00

Dim Filter As String
With e.Form.Controls("开始")
    If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
        Filter = "记录时间 >= #" & .Value & "#"
    End If
End With
With e.Form.Controls("结束")
    If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
        If Filter >"" Then
            Filter = Filter & " and "
        End If
        Filter = Filter & "记录时间 <= #" & .Value & "#"
    End If
End With

Dim Filter2 As String
With e.Form.Controls("开始2")
    If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
        Filter2 = Filter2 & "记录时间 >= #" & .Value & "#"
    End If
End With
With e.Form.Controls("结束2")
    If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
        If Filter2 >"" Then
            Filter2 = Filter2 & " and "
        End If
        Filter2 = Filter2 & "记录时间 <= #" & .Value & "#"

    End If
End With
If Filter > "" AndAlso Filter2 > "" Then
    Tables("主控窗口_Table2").Filter = "(" & Filter & ") or (" & Filter2 & ")"
If Filter > "" Then
    Tables("主控窗口_Table2").Filter = Filter
elseIf Filter 2> "" Then
    Tables("主控窗口_Table2").Filter = Filter2
End If
End If
