-- 作者:xhydxs
-- 发布时间:2021/3/31 10:34:00
-- 各位高手,从字符串“天数”到类型“Double”的转换无效?请教请教
Select Case e.DataCol.Name Case "开始时间" , "结束时间" If e.DataRow.IsNull("开始时间") And e.DataRow.IsNull("结束时间") Then e.DataRow("天数") = Nothing Else Dim d1 As Date = e.DataRow("开始时间") Dim d2 As Date = e.DataRow("结束时间") If d1 > d2 e.DataRow("天数") = 0 Else Dim cnt As Integer = (d2 - d1).TotalDays For i As Integer = 1 To cnt Dim d3 As Date = d1.adddays(i) If d3.DayOfWeek = 0 OrElse d3.DayOfWeek = 6 Then \'如果是星期天或者星期六 cnt = cnt - 1 End If Next e.DataRow("天数") = cnt + 1 End If End If Case "是否半天" If e.NewValue = True Then Dim d1 As Date = e.DataRow("开始时间") Dim d2 As Date = e.DataRow("结束时间") If d1 > d2 e.DataRow("天数") = 0 Else Dim cnt As Integer = (d2 - d1).TotalDays For i As Integer = 1 To cnt Dim d3 As Date = d1.adddays(i) If d3.DayOfWeek = 0 OrElse d3.DayOfWeek = 6 Then \'如果是星期天或者星期六 cnt = cnt - 1 End If Next e.DataRow("天数") = cnt + 1 - 0.5 End If End If End Select
Dim dr As DataRow = e.DataRow Select Case e.DataCol.Name Case "正课","自习","天数" If e.DataRow ("请假类型") = "事假" Then dr("扣费") = dr("正课")*40*("天数") + dr("自习")*40*("天数") dr("扣分") = dr("天数")*0.5 ElseIf e.DataRow ("请假类型") = "病假" Then dr("扣费") = dr("正课")*20*("天数") + dr("自习")*20*("天数") dr("扣分") = dr("天数")*0.2 ElseIf e.DataRow ("请假类型") = "旷课" Then dr("扣费") = dr("正课")*160 + dr("自习")*160 ElseIf e.DataRow ("请假类型") = "例会" Then dr("扣费") = dr("天数")*40 dr("扣分") = dr("天数")*0.1 ElseIf e.DataRow ("请假类型") = "迟到" Then dr("扣费") = dr("天数")*20 ElseIf e.DataRow ("请假类型") = "早退" Then dr("扣费") = dr("天数")*20 Else e.DataRow("扣费") = 0 e.DataRow("扣分") = 0 End If End Select
If e.DataCol.Name = "销假情况" Then \'如果是已结帐列的内容变动 If e.NewValue = True Then \'而且变动后的值是True(已勾选) e.DataRow.Locked = True \'那么锁定此行 End If End If