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-- 作者:lur320 -- 发布时间:2020/4/3 11:17:00 -- return nothing不能中置function运行? 在自定义代码中,return nothing 会不会中置function剩余代码的执行? 我测试了return nothing后,返回的是空值,但是后续的代码还在继续执行。function代码如下: Dim filenam,newfileloc As String Dim ftplo,oldf As String Dim newname As String ftplo= "PRquotations" oldf=Args(0) Dim Val2 As String = Date.now.Tooadate filenam=ProjectPath & "tempfile\\zipfs\\" & Val2 & ".zip" Dim ftp1 As New FtpClient ftp1.utf8=True Dim madr As DataRow madr=DataTables("Mailinfo").SQLFind("FTPUSER is not null and FTPHOST is not null and FTPPASSWORD is not null") If madr IsNot Nothing Then ftp1.Host=madr("FTPHOST") ftp1.Account = madr("FTPUSER") ftp1.Password =madr("FTPPASSWORD") ftp1.utf8=True If ftp1.Connected = False \'如果FTP没有连接 If ftp1.Connect=False Then \'连接FTP Messagebox.show("连接FTP失败!检查密码和账户信息","提示",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Information) Return Nothing End If End If Else MessageBox.Show("FTP信息缺失,请检查FTP设置") Return Nothing End If If ftplo<>"" Then Dim dlg As New OpenFileDialog dlg.MultiSelect = False Dim fileToZip As String If dlg.ShowDialog =DialogResult.OK Then If oldf<>"" Then If ftp1.FileExists(oldf) Then \'\'\'删除旧文件 ftp1.DeleteFile(oldf) End If End If fileToZip = dlg.FileName Dim th1 As Threading.Thread Dim th2 As Threading.Thread \'Vars("loadingtext")="压缩上传附件中,请等待...." th1 = New Threading.Thread(AddressOf setA) th2 = New Threading.Thread(AddressOf setB) th1.Start() Dim sdt As Date = Date.Now Dim ifo As new FileInfo(fileToZip) If ifo.length > 6940032 Then th2.Start() MessageBox.Show("上传文件超过6Mb.请压缩或分为2个报价单上传.") 当我选择超过体积的文件后,这里报错,function正确返回空值。 Return Nothing End If newname = ftplo & "\\" & Val2 & ".zip" Do While ftp1.FileExists(newname) Val2 = Date.now.Tooadate filenam=ProjectPath & "tempfile\\zipfs\\" & Val2 & ".zip" newname = ftplo & "\\" & Val2 & ".zip" Loop \'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'============= Dim zipedFile As String = filenam Using fs As io.FileStream = io.File.OpenRead(fileToZip) Dim buffer As Byte() = New Byte(fs.Length - 1) {} fs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length) fs.Close() Using ZipFile As io.FileStream = io.File.Create(zipedFile) Using ZipStream As ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.zip.ZipOutputStream = New ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.zip.ZipOutputStream(ZipFile) Dim fileName As String = fileToZip.SubString(fileToZip.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1) Dim ZipEntry = New ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.zip.ZipEntry(fileName) ZipStream.PutNextEntry(ZipEntry) ZipStream.SetLevel(7) ZipStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length) ZipStream.Finish() ZipStream.Close() End Using End Using End Using \'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'================= newname =FileSys.GetName(filenam) newname = ftplo & "\\" & newname If ftp1.DirExists(ftplo)=False Then ftp1.MakeDir(ftplo) End If If ftp1.Upload(filenam,newname) = True Then If oldf<>"" Then If ftp1.FileExists(oldf) Then \'\'\'删除旧文件 If ftp1.DeleteFile(oldf) = True Then \'MessageBox.Show("新文件上传完成!旧文件删除成功") 但是原先在FTP里面的老文件还是被删除了,为啥? End If End If Else \'Messagebox.show("上传完成!","提示",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Information) End If Else While Date.Now < sdt.AddSeconds(0.3) Application.DoEvents End While th2.Start() Messagebox.show("上传失败!","提示",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Information) End If ftp1.close End If End If Return newname [此贴子已经被作者于2020/4/3 11:24:32编辑过]
-- 作者:有点蓝 -- 发布时间:2020/4/3 11:32:00 -- …… End Using End Using \'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'================= msgbox("这里会不会弹出来?") \'如果弹出来上面的Return 肯定就没有执行 newname =FileSys.GetName(filenam) newname = ftplo & "\\" & newname If ftp1.DirExists(ftplo)=False Then ftp1.MakeDir(ftplo) End If ……
-- 作者:lur320 -- 发布时间:2020/4/3 11:41:00 -- 没有弹出来,但是通过这段代码上传的文件就被删了。而手工上传的还在。还在找原因。 |