以文本方式查看主题 - Foxtable(狐表) (http://foxtable.com/bbs/index.asp) -- 专家坐堂 (http://foxtable.com/bbs/list.asp?boardid=2) ---- [求助]专业报表,自动补空行(已解决) (http://foxtable.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=14749) |
-- 作者:yyzlxc -- 发布时间:2011/11/30 20:21:00 -- [求助]专业报表,自动补空行(已解决) 根据狐爸老师在论坛的一段“自动补空行”的代码,移植过来(黄色标记)后不起作用,不知问题出在哪里,请各位老师指教,谢谢!!
Dim doc As New PrintDoc \'定义一个新报表 Next [此贴子已经被作者于2011-12-1 8:39:57编辑过]
-- 作者:yyzlxc -- 发布时间:2011/11/30 22:19:00 -- 这是狐爸老师的原代码:
Dim doc As New PrintDoc |
-- 作者:czy -- 发布时间:2011/11/30 23:14:00 -- Dim doc As New PrintDoc \'定义一个新报表 Dim tb As Table = Tables("订单") \'捆绑表 Dim prs As Integer = 40 \'每页40行 Dim sum1 As Integer = 0 \'定义整数变量(小计) Dim sum2 As Double = 0 \'定义双精度变量(小计) Dim tsum1 As Integer = 0 \'定义整数变量(合计) Dim tsum2 As Double = 0 \'定义双精度变量(合计) For p As Integer = 0 To math.Ceiling(tb.Rows.Count / prs) - 1 \'大循环,计算共几页 Dim ColNames As String() = {"日期","产品","单价","折扣","数量","金额"} Dim rt As New prt.RenderTable \'定义一个新表格 rt.Width = "Parent.Width" \'表格宽度等于容器宽度 rt.CanSplitHorz = True \'表格宽度超出页宽时,可以水平换页 rt.Style.Font = tb.Font rt.Style.Gridlines.All = New prt.Linedef(Color.Gray) \'灰色网格线 rt.CellStyle.Spacing.All = 1.0 \'单元格内距设为1.0毫米 For i As Integer = 0 To ColNames.Length -1 \'逐列设置和填入内容 rt.Cells(0,i).Text = ColNames(i) \'列名作为标题 rt.Cells(0,i).Style.TextAlignHorz = prt.AlignHorzEnum.Center \'标题内容水平居中 rt.Cols(i).Width = tb.Cols(ColNames(i)).PrintWidth \'列宽等于实际列宽 If tb.Cols(ColNames(i)).IsNumeric Then \'如果是数值 rt.Cols(i).Style.TextAlignHorz = prt.AlignHorzEnum.Right \'数据水平靠右 Else rt.Cols(i).Style.TextAlignHorz = prt.AlignHorzEnum.Center \'数据水平居中 End If For r As Integer = p * prs To math.min(tb.Rows.Count - 1,( p + 1) * prs - 1) \'小循环 rt.Cells(r - p * prs + 1, i).Text = tb.rows(r)(ColNames(i)) If (ColNames(i)) = "数量" \'设置格式 rt.Cells(r - p * prs + 1, i).Text = format(tb.rows(r)(ColNames(i)),"0") ElseIf (ColNames(i)) = "单价" rt.Cells(r - p * prs + 1, i).Text = format(tb.rows(r)(ColNames(i)),"0.00") ElseIf (ColNames(i)) = "折扣" rt.Cells(r - p * prs + 1, i).Text = format(tb.rows(r)(ColNames(i)),"0.00") ElseIf (ColNames(i)) = "金额" rt.Cells(r - p * prs + 1, i).Text = format(tb.rows(r)(ColNames(i)),"0.00") Else rt.Cells(r - p * prs + 1, i).Text = tb.rows(r)(ColNames(i)) End If Next If i = 0 Then \'加空行 For r As Integer = tb.Rows.Count To prs * (p+1) -1 rt.Cells((r - p) * prs, 0).Text = " " Next End If Next Sum1 = 0 sum2 = 0 For r As Integer = p * prs To math.min(tb.Rows.Count - 1,( p + 1) * prs - 1) \'累计 Sum1 =sum1 + tb.rows(r)("数量") sum2 =sum2 + tb.rows(r)("金额") Next Tsum1 = tsum1 + sum1 tsum2 = tsum2 + sum2 rt.Rows.Count = rt.Rows.Count + 1 \'增加小计行 rt.Rows(rt.Rows.count -1)(3).text = "本页小计" rt.Rows(rt.Rows.count -1)(4).Text = format(sum1,"0") \'设置小计格式 rt.Rows(rt.Rows.count -1)(5).Text = format(sum2,"0.00") If p < math.Ceiling(tb.Rows.Count / prs) - 1 rt.BreakAfter = prt.BreakEnum.Page Else rt.Rows.Count = rt.Rows.Count + 1 \'增加合计行 rt.Rows(rt.Rows.count -1)(3).text = "合计" rt.Rows(rt.Rows.count -1)(4).Text = format(tsum1,"0") \'设置合计格式 rt.Rows(rt.Rows.count -1)(5).Text = format(tsum2,"0.00") End If doc.Body.Children.Add(rt) \'将表格加入到报表 Next \'设置页眉 Dim rx As New prt.RenderTable rx.Cells(0,0).Text = Date.Today rx.Cells(0,1).Text = "订单明细" rx.Cells(0,2).Text = "第[PageNo]页,共[PageCount]页" rx.Cols(0).Style.TextAlignHorz = prt.AlignHorzEnum.Left \'水平靠左 rx.Cols(0).Style.TextAlignVert = prt.AlignVertEnum.Bottom \'垂直靠下 rx.Cols(1).Style.TextAlignHorz = prt.AlignHorzEnum.Center \'水平居中 rx.Cols(2).Style.TextAlignHorz = prt.AlignHorzEnum.right \'水平靠右 rx.Cols(2).Style.TextAlignVert = prt.AlignVertEnum.Bottom \'垂直靠下 rx.Style.Borders.Bottom = New prt.LineDef \'设置底边框 rx.CellStyle.Spacing.Bottom = 1 \'底端内容缩进1.0毫米 rx.Cells(0,1).Style.FontSize = 14 \'设置第二列行字号 rx.Cells(0,1).Style.FontBold = True \'字体加粗 Doc.PageHeader = rx \'作为页眉使用 Doc.Preview() \'预览 |
-- 作者:yyzlxc -- 发布时间:2011/12/1 8:40:00 -- 谢谢czy老师,问题解决。看来专业报表太深奥了,变化无穷,并不像帮助里讲的那么简单,通过这一案例,也看到狐表的魅力,令人感慨万分。再次感谢czy老师的辛勤的劳动,让我们领略了狐表的风采。 |