
-  Foxtable(狐表)  (http://foxtable.com/bbs/index.asp)
--  专家坐堂  (http://foxtable.com/bbs/list.asp?boardid=2)
----  Syntax error: Missing operand before 'And' operator.  (http://foxtable.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=147157)

--  作者:yetle
--  发布时间:2020/3/11 8:53:00
--  Syntax error: Missing operand before 'And' operator.
弹出提示:Syntax error: Missing operand before \'And\' operator.
Dim filter As String = "1=1"

Dim ddh As WinForm.TextBox = e.Form.Controls("TextBox1")
Dim gys As WinForm.TextBox = e.Form.Controls("TextBox2")
Dim lm As WinForm.TextBox = e.Form.Controls("TextBox3")
Dim ys As WinForm.TextBox = e.Form.Controls("TextBox4")
Dim kh As WinForm.TextBox = e.Form.Controls("TextBox5")
Dim wgh As WinForm.ComboBox = e.Form.Controls("ComboBox1")
Dim v As Integer = wgh.text
Dim qs As WinForm.RadioButton = e.Form.Controls("RadioButton1")
Dim qb As WinForm.RadioButton = e.Form.Controls("RadioButton2")

With e.Form.Controls("TextBox1")
If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
    If ddh.text>"" Then
      Filter = Filter & " And "
         filter=filter & "[采购单号] like \'" & ddh.text & "\'"       
     End If

End If
End  With

With e.Form.Controls("TextBox2")
If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
    If gys.text>"" Then
      Filter = Filter & " And "

    End If
       filter=filter & "[供应商属性_供应商名称] like \'%" & gys.text & "%\'" 
End If
End  With

With e.Form.Controls("TextBox3")
If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
    If lm.text>"" Then
      Filter = Filter & " And "

    End If
       filter=filter & "[物料基本信息_物料名称] like \'%" & lm.text & "%\'" 

End If
End  With

With e.Form.Controls("TextBox4")
If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
    If ys.text>"" Then
      Filter = Filter & " And "

    End If
       filter=filter & "[物料配色] like \'" & ys.text & "\'"
End If
End  With

With e.Form.Controls("TextBox5")
If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
    If kh.text>"" Then
      Filter = Filter & " And "

    End If
       filter=filter & "[款号] like \'%" & kh.text & "%\'" 
End If
End  With

With e.Form.Controls("ComboBox1")
If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
    If wgh.text>"" Then
      Filter = Filter & " And "

    End If
       filter=filter & "[物供号] = "& v &" " 

End If
End  With

If Filter > "" Then
      If  qs.Checked = True Then   
    Tables("选择到货物检_table3").Filter=filter & " and  [到货数] > [入库数] "

      Else If qs.Checked = False Then
      End If

End If

--  作者:有点蓝
--  发布时间:2020/3/11 9:01:00

With ddh
If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
    If Filter > "" Then  \'这个地方不需要改动,请保持原样,意思是如果之前已经添加了条件,就增加一个and连接符
      Filter = Filter & " And "
         filter=filter & "[采购单号] like \'" & ddh.text & "\'"       
     End If

End If
End  With

--  作者:yetle
--  发布时间:2020/3/11 9:46:00
[此贴子已经被作者于2020/3/11 9:58:27编辑过]

--  作者:有点蓝
--  发布时间:2020/3/11 9:50:00

msgbox(Filter) 看看最后弹出的条件

--  作者:yetle
--  发布时间:2020/3/11 10:52:00
只在ComboBox1选择了值,查找不会弹出提示,加了其他输入框的条件组合查询会弹出提示,且msgbox(Filter) 弹出的值是一样,都是"1=1"and物供号=选择的值
Dim filter As String = "1=1"

Dim ddh As WinForm.TextBox = e.Form.Controls("TextBox1")
Dim gys As WinForm.TextBox = e.Form.Controls("TextBox2")
Dim lm As WinForm.TextBox = e.Form.Controls("TextBox3")
Dim ys As WinForm.TextBox = e.Form.Controls("TextBox4")
Dim kh As WinForm.TextBox = e.Form.Controls("TextBox5")
Dim wgh As WinForm.ComboBox = e.Form.Controls("ComboBox1")
Dim v As Integer = wgh.text
Dim qs As WinForm.RadioButton = e.Form.Controls("RadioButton1")
Dim qb As WinForm.RadioButton = e.Form.Controls("RadioButton2")

With e.Form.Controls("TextBox1")
If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
    \'If ddh.text>"" Then
If Filter > "" Then 
      Filter = Filter & " And "
         filter=filter & "[采购单号] like \'" & ddh.text & "\'"       
     End If

End If
End  With

With e.Form.Controls("TextBox2")
If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
    \'If gys.text>"" Then
If Filter > "" Then 
      Filter = Filter & " And "

    End If
       filter=filter & "[供应商属性_供应商名称] like \'%" & gys.text & "%\'" 
End If
End  With

With e.Form.Controls("TextBox3")
If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
    \'If lm.text>"" Then
If Filter > "" Then 
      Filter = Filter & " And "

    End If
       filter=filter & "[物料基本信息_物料名称] like \'%" & lm.text & "%\'" 

End If
End  With

With e.Form.Controls("TextBox4")
If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
    \'If ys.text>"" Then
If Filter > "" Then 
      Filter = Filter & " And "

    End If
       filter=filter & "[物料配色] like \'" & ys.text & "\'"
End If
End  With

With e.Form.Controls("TextBox5")
If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
    \'If kh.text>"" Then
If Filter > "" Then 
      Filter = Filter & " And "

    End If
       filter=filter & "[款号] like \'%" & kh.text & "%\'" 
End If
End  With

With e.Form.Controls("ComboBox1")
If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
    \'If wgh.text>"" Then
If Filter > "" Then 
      Filter = Filter & " And "

    End If
       filter=filter & "[物供号] = "& v &" " 

End If
End  With

If Filter > "" Then
      If  qs.Checked = True Then   
    Tables("选择到货物检_table3").Filter=filter & " and  [到货数] > [入库数] "

      Else If qs.Checked = False Then
      End If

End If
[此贴子已经被作者于2020/3/11 10:58:17编辑过]

--  作者:有点蓝
--  发布时间:2020/3/11 11:06:00
    End If
       filter=filter & "[物供号] = "& v &" " 
End If
End  With
msgbox(Filter) 输入所有的条件,弹出的内容截图发上来看看

If Filter > "" Then
      If  qs.Checked = True Then  

--  作者:yetle
--  发布时间:2020/3/11 11:48:00

--  作者:有点蓝
--  发布时间:2020/3/11 12:05:00
With e.Form.Controls("TextBox1")
    If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
        If Filter > "" Then
            Filter = Filter & " And "
            filter=filter & "[采购单号] like \'" & ddh.text & "\'"
        End If
    End If
End  With

With e.Form.Controls("TextBox1")
    If .Value IsNot Nothing Then
        If Filter > "" Then
            Filter = Filter & " And "
        End If
        filter=filter & "[供应商属性_供应商名称] like \'%" & .Value & "%\'"
    End If
End  With