-- 作者:ajie5211
-- 发布时间:2019/10/29 13:15:00
\'**********切换数据源************ Dim ljip As String = e.Form.Controls("txtIP").Value Dim s As String = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=Server2008;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;" & _ "Initial Catalog=excel;Data Source=" & e.Form.Controls("txtIP").Value & "\\MSSQLSERVER," & e.Form.Controls("txtPort").Value If Connections.TryConnect(s) = False Then MessageBox.Show("数据源无法连通!") Return Else Dim cn As Connection = Connections("wjexcel") If cn.ConnectionString <> s Then If Connections.Contains("wjexcel") Then Connections.Delete("wjexcel") End If Connections.add("wjexcel",s) End If End If \'******加载用户,数据登记,权限表******* Dim bn() As String = {"FtUser","tabRepData","FTtabQX","FTtabQXBt","FTcaidanQX","FTdaohangQX","FTbdkjQX","FT个人" & _ "便签","Ft自动编码规则表","Ft用到自动编码的表和列","Ft自动编码已编最大号","Ft临时编码表","流程设置表","流程进" & _ "度表","流程临时表","流程数据主表","流程数据明细"} vars("stop") = True For i As Integer = 0 To bn.Length - 1 If DataTables.Contains(bn(i)) = False Then DataTables.Load(bn(i)) Tables(bn(i)).Visible = False End If Next vars("stop") = False Functions.Execute("sjbtldafzsx") \'If DataTables.Contains("Ft自动编码规则表") = False Then \'DataTables.Load("Ft自动编码规则表|Ft用到自动编码的表和列|Ft自动编码已编最大号|Ft临时编码表") \'Tables("Ft自动编码规则表").Visible = False \'Tables("Ft用到自动编码的表和列").Visible = False \'Tables("Ft自动编码已编最大号").Visible = False \'Tables("Ft临时编码表").Visible = False \'End If \'************找到对应用户名*************** Dim UserName As String = e.Form.Controls("txtUserName").Value Dim dr As DataRow If UserName = "" Then Messagebox.show("请输入用户!","提示",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Information) Return End If dr = DataTables("FtUser").SQLFind("[FtID] = \'" & UserName & "\'") If dr Is Nothing Then Messagebox.show("此用户不存在!","提示",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Information) Return End If If e.Form.Controls("txtPassword").Value = dr("Password") Then _UserFtID = UserName _UserName = dr("Name") _UserGroup = dr("Group") _UserSGroup = dr("上层部门") _DeptID = dr("DeptID") _OperID = dr("OperID") Else Messagebox.show("密码错误!","提示",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Information) Return End If \'生成数据表 Dim cmd As New SQLCommand cmd.C cmd.CommandText = "Sel ect OperID,{tabDepartment}.DeptID,{tabDepartment}.sName,{tabRole}.RoleID,{tabRole}.sName " & _ "Fr om ({tabRoleOper} Inn er J OIN {tabDepartment} ON {tabDepartment}.[DeptID] = {tabRoleOper}.[DeptID]) Inner JOIN " & _ "{tabRole} ON {tabRole}.[RoleID] = {tabRoleOper}.[RoleID] Where OperID = " & _OperID _URGTable = cmd.ExecuteReader() For Each urgdr As DataRow In _URGTable.DataRows _UserRGroups.add(urgdr("sName") & "." & urgdr("sName1")) If _UserDeptIDs.Contains(urgdr("DeptID")) = False Then _UserDeptIDs.add(urgdr("DeptID")) End If Next \'***********登陆openQQ和系统************** If QQClient.Ready Then MessageBox.show("QQClient已经启动,请先关闭","提示",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Information) Return End If QQClient.ServerIP = e.Form.Controls("txtIP").Value \'指定服务器IP地址 QQClient.ServerPort = e.Form.Controls("QQPort").Value \'指定服务器端口 QQClient.UserName = _UserSGroup & "." & _UserName\'指定登录用户名 QQClient.Password = e.Form.Controls("txtPassword").Value If QQClient.Start() = True \'如果登录成功 Dim msg As String = "恭喜,OpenQQ登录成功!" If QQClient.ServerMessage > "" Then \'如果服务器返回了欢迎信息 msg = msg & QQClient.ServerMessage End If popMessage(msg,"提示",PopiconEnum.Infomation,2) e.Form.Close Else \'如果登录失败,显示服务器返回错误信息 PopMessage("QQClient登录失败,原因:" & vbcrlf & QQClient.ServerMessage,"提示",PopiconEnum.Error,5) Return End If \'***************************************** \'**************系统菜单是否显示********* Dim y As Boolean For Each js As String In _UserRGroups Dim bmjs() As String = js.Split(".") If bmjs(1) = "《系统管理》" Or bmjs(1) = "《设计》" Then y = True End If Next If y = True Then RibbonTabs("SM").Groups("DesignFun").Visible = True RibbonTabs("SM").Groups("SqGn").Visible = True QAT.Items("Save").Visible = True Else RibbonTabs("SM").Groups("DesignFun").Visible = False RibbonTabs("SM").Groups("SqGn").Visible = False QAT.Items("Save").Visible = False End If \'*********************************** \'************检测是否有到期工作便签********* Dim bqdr As DataRow = DataTables("FT个人便签").SQLFind("人员ID = " & _OperID & " and 预计完成日期 <= \'" & Date.Today & "\'and 预计完成日期 <>\'\' and 结束日期 = \'\'") If bqdr IsNot Nothing Then Forms("未读消息提示").Open() Forms("未读消息提示").Text = "有到期工作便签提醒" Forms("未读消息提示").Controls("来源").text = "便签" Forms("未读消息提示").Controls("来源").Visible = False Forms("未读消息提示").Controls("Label1").text = "你有已到期工作便" & vbcrlf & " 签,请及时确认!" End If \'**********读取硬件信息******************* If ljip = "" Then Functions.AsyncExecute("读取电脑硬件") End If