-- 作者:zhangxl1964
-- 发布时间:2011/10/29 7:35:00
-- 数据引用
If IsNumeric(e.NewValue) And Val(e.NewValue)=0 Then e.DataRow(e.DataCol.Name) =Nothing End If
If e.DataCol.Name="日期" Dim SendTime As DateTime=e.DataRow("日期") e.DataRow("发放日期")=DateAdd("m",1,SendTime) End If
If e.DataRow("审核") = False And e.DataCol.Name = "编号" Then If e.DataRow("编号")<>Nothing And e.DataRow("日期")<>Nothing If e.DataCol.Name="日期" Or e.DataCol.Name="编号" Dim ChangeTime(0 To 100) As DateTime Dim a As Integer Dim b As Integer Dim c As DateTime Dim n As Integer=0 Dim tag As Integer=0 Dim tempTime1 As DateTime Dim tempTime2 As DateTime For Each dr As DataRow In DataTables("合同记录").Select("编号 = \'" & e.DataRow("编号") & "\'" ) If dr.IsNull("辞退日期") Or dr("辞退日期")>e.DataRow("日期") ChangeTime(n)=dr("登记月份") n=n+1 Else If dr("辞退日期")<e.DataRow("日期") tempTime1=CDate(dr("辞退日期")) tempTime2=CDate(e.DataRow("日期")) If(tempTime1.Year=tempTime2.Year And tempTime1.Month=tempTime2.Month) ChangeTime(n)=dr("登记月份") n=n+1 Else tag=-1 End If Exit For End If Next If tag=-1 \'如果有一条记录的辞退日期小于考勤日期,那么这条考勤记录为空 e.DataRow("姓名")=Nothing e.DataRow("部门")=Nothing e.DataRow("班组")=Nothing e.DataRow("基本工资")=Nothing e.DataRow("月度考核")=Nothing e.DataRow("公积金")=Nothing e.DataRow("社会保险")=Nothing e.DataRow("加班是否")=Nothing e.DataRow("银行卡号")=Nothing e.DataRow("起征额")=Nothing e.DataRow("所得税号")=Nothing
Else Dim AttendanceTime As DateTime AttendanceTime = e.DataRow("日期") For a=0 To n-1 For b=a+1 To n-1 If ChangeTime(a) > ChangeTime(b) Then c = ChangeTime(a) ChangeTime(a) = ChangeTime(b) ChangeTime(a) = c End If Next Next
\'For a=0 To n-1 \'MessageBox.Show(ChangeTime(a)) \'Next
Dim flag As Integer=0 For a=0 To n-1 If(e.DataRow("日期")>=ChangeTime(a)) flag=a End If Next Dim MaxChangeTime As DateTime=ChangeTime(flag) For Each dr As DataRow In DataTables("合同记录").Select("编号 = \'" & e.DataRow("编号")& "\' And 登记月份=\'" & MaxChangeTime & "\'" ) e.DataRow("姓名")=dr("姓名") e.DataRow("部门")=dr("部门") e.DataRow("班组")=dr("班组") e.DataRow("基本工资")=dr("基本工资") e.DataRow("月度考核")=dr("月度考核") e.DataRow("公积金")=dr("公积金") e.DataRow("社会保险")=dr("社会保险") e.DataRow("加班是否")=dr("加班是否") e.DataRow("银行卡号")=dr("银行卡号") e.DataRow("起征额")=dr("起征额") e.DataRow("所得税号")=dr("所得税号") Next End If
End If
End If
Dim dr2 As DataRow =e.DataRow Dim chuqin As Decimal chuqin=DataTables("考勤表").Compute("Sum(出勤)", "考勤日期=\'" & dr2("日期") & "\' And 编号=" & dr2("编号") ) Dim fadingchuqin As Decimal fadingchuqin=DataTables("法定出勤").Compute("Sum(出勤天数)", "日期=\'" & dr2("日期") & "\'")
\'计算出勤 If not dr2.IsNull("姓名") Then If fadingchuqin=chuqin Then dr2("出勤")="全勤" Else dr2("出勤")=chuqin End If End If
End If