请教老师,以下代码datatables后面的表名称,如果替换成SQLtable的 XXXXX_XXX, TimerTick就报错,无XXXXX_XXX,然后需要重启系统
是否不能在timetick里面写SQLtalbe的名称 因为要执行审批和查询合并的功能,我用了SQLtable
'----------------------------设置桌面待办事项--立项设计待办事项--Label161 "工作策划副表审核明细" 立项设计意见
Dim Filter161 As String = ""
Dim Count161 As Double
Count161 = DataTables("工作策划副表审核明细").Compute("Count(项目编号)","审批流程 Like '%设计程序_设计%' and 执行人 Like '%" & _UserName & "%' and (收阅确认 not Like '%" & _UserName & "%' or 收阅确认 Is null)")
Dim lbl161 As WinForm.Label
lbl161 = e.Form.Controls("Label161")
lbl161.Text = "" & Count161 & ""
'----------------------待办工作事项--立项设计待办事项--Label161 "工作策划副表审核明细" 立项设计意见
Dim pbx161 As WinForm.PictureBox = e.Form.Controls("PictureBox20")
Dim lbl161 As WinForm.Label = e.Form.Controls("Label161")
If lbl161 IsNot Nothing Then
Dim Count161 As Double
Count161 = DataTables("工作策划副表审核明细").Compute("Count(项目编号)","执行人 Like '%" & _UserName & "%' and (收阅确认 not Like '%" & _UserName & "%' or 收阅确认 Is null) and 审批流程 Like '%设计程序_设计%'")
If Count161 = 0 Then
pbx161.ImageFile = "GGreen.ico" '显示图片
ElseIf Count161 >= 1 Then
pbx161.ImageFile= "RRed.ico" '显示图片
End If
lbl161.Text = "" & Count161 & ""
End If