Dim dr21 As DataRow =DataTables("报价输出记录表").sqlfind("报价产品类型 = '"& leixing &"' And ph And 材料名称 = '产品成本合计:'")
If dr21("材料规格") = "" Then
With wb.AddDialog("","dlg2", "是否继续计算","程序计算正在进行中,点击【确定】将覆盖上一次的计算结果!")
With .AddButton("btnCancel","取消")
.Kind = 1
.Attribute = "oncli ck='hist ory.back()'"
End With
.AddButton("btnOK","确定").Attribute= ""
End With
wb.AppendHTML("<script> show('dlg2')</script>")
Return False
End If
Dim cs16 As Integer = e.postValues("cs16") '空载损耗标准值(w)
Dim cs17 As Integer = e.postValues("cs17") '空载损耗最大允许偏差(%)
Dim cs18 As Integer = e.postValues("cs18") '负载损耗标准值(w)
Dim cs19 As Integer = e.postValues("cs19") '负载损耗最大允许偏差(%)
问题:点击“确定”如何跳出if语句 继续执行绿色的代码?如何写?请大师指点。
[此贴子已经被作者于2022/8/17 23:04:16编辑过]