Dim fl As String = "d:\web\" & e.path
If filesys.FileExists(fl)
Dim idx As Integer = fl.LastIndexOf(".")
Dim ext As String = fl.SubString(idx)
Select Case ext
Case ".jpg",".gif",".png",".bmp",".wmf",".js",".css" ,".html",".htm",".zip",".rar"
Return '这里必须返回
End Select
End If
Select Case e.Path
Case "test.htm"
Dim wb As New weui
With wb.AddInputGroup("form1","ipg1","查询条件")
.Attribute = """
With .AddSelect("cpmc","产品名称","")
.Attribute = """
End With
End With
With wb.AddButtonGroup("form1","btg1",True)
.Add("btn1", "确定", "submit")
End With
e.WriteString(wb.Build) '生成网页
Case "getProducts.htm"
Dim vals As String
Dim cmd As new SQLCommand
cmd.CommandText=" elect t1.产品名称,t2.生产日期_开始,t2.规格 f rom 质检报告主表 t2 inner join 成品有出厂检验 t1 on t1.编号=t2.编号 where t2.生产日期_开始= '"& e.PostValues("scrq") &"'"
Dim dt As DataTable= cmd.ExecuteReader
If e.PostValues.Count = 1 Then
vals = "|" & dt.GetComboListString("产品名称","生产日期_开始='" & e.PostValues("scrq") & "'")
ElseIf e.PostValues.Count = 2 Then
Dim Filter As String = "生产日期_开始='" & e.PostValues("scrq") & "' And 产品名称='" & e.PostValues("cpmc") & "'"
vals = "|" & Dt.GetComboListString("规格", Filter)
End If
End Select
上述代码在执行的时候 选择好了 生产日期后,在产品名称的下拉列表中可以有值,但不能选中