Dim doc As New PrintDoc '定义一个报表
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Dim tbl1 As Table = Tables("应急预案修订情况")
Dim yj As New prt.RenderText '定义一个文本对象
yj = New prt.RenderText '设置文本对象的内容
yj.Text = "第[PageNo]页 共[PageCount]页" '设置文本内容
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For i As Integer = 0 To tbl1.Rows.Count - 1
rm = new prt.RenderEmpty '定义一个新的空对象
rm.BreakBefore = prt.BreakEnum.Page '打印前换页
doc.Body.Children.Add(rm) '加入到报表中
Dim rw As Row = tbl1.Rows(i)
Dim rt As New prt.RenderTable() '定义一个表格对象
Dim rx As New prt.RenderText '定义一个文本对象
Dim ra As New prt.RenderArea '定义一个容器
ra.SplitVertBehavior = prt.SplitBehaviorEnum.Never '禁止容器因为分页而被垂直分割
Dim dr As String = e.Form.controls("ComboBox1").value
rx.text = dr & vbcrlf & "生产安全事故应急预案修订记录"
rx.Style.FontBold = True '字体加粗
rx.Style.FontSize = 18 '大体大小为18磅
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rt.Rows.Count = 13 '设置总行数
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rt.Style.TextAlignVert = prt.AlignVertEnum.Center '内容垂直居中
rt.Cells(0,0).Text= "企业名称"
rt.Cells(0,1).Text = rw("企业名称")
rt.Cells(1,0).Text= "预案类别"
rt.Cells(1,1).Text = rw("预案类别")
rt.Cells(2,0).Text= "应急预案名称"
rt.Cells(2,1).Text = rw("预案名称")
rt.Cells(3,0).Text= "修订日期"
rt.Cells(3,1).Text = rw("修订日期")
rt.Cells(4,0).Text= "修订原因/依据"
rt.Cells(4,1).Text = rw("修订依据")
rt.Cells(5,0).Text= "修订条款"
rt.Cells(5,1).Text = rw("修订条款")
rt.Cells(6,0).Text= "应急预案修订内容"
rt.Cells(7,0).Text = rw("修订内容")
rt.Cells(8,0).Text= "修订评审结果"
rt.Cells(8,1).Text = rw("修订评估")
rt.Cells(9,0).Text= "参加评估人员"
rt.Cells(9,1).Text = rw("评审人员")
rt.Cells(10,0).Text= "评估日期"
rt.Cells(10,1).Text = rw("评审日期")
rt.Cells(11,0).Text= "实施日期"
rt.Cells(11,1).Text = rw("实施日期")
rt.Cells(12,0).Text= "修订后发布签字"
ra.Children.Add(rt) '加入到容器中
Doc.Body.ChildRen.Add(ra) '将容器加入到报表中
Doc.Preview() '预览报表
Dim doc As New PrintDoc '定义一个报表
Doc.PageSetting.LeftMargin = 15
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Dim nd As winform.combobox = Forms("mainform").controls("员工演练情况年度")
Dim qm As winform.combobox = Forms("mainform").controls("员工演练情况所在部门")
Dim xm As winform.combobox = Forms("mainform").controls("员工演练情况姓名")
Dim tbl8 As Table = Tables("员工演练情况") '演练
Dim rt8 As Prt.RenderTable
Dim rx8 As prt.RenderText
Dim Rows8 As List(Of DataRow)
rx8 = New prt.RenderText
rx8.Style.FontSize = 14
rx8.Style.Spacing.Bottom = 2
Dim dr As String = Forms("mainform").controls("员工演练情况所在部门").value
rx8.text = dr & vbcrlf & "员工参加演练记录"
rx8.Style.TextAlignHorz = prt.AlignHorzEnum.Center '标题水平居中
rt8 = New prt.RenderTable
rt8.Style.Font = tbl8.Font
rt8.Style.TextAlignVert = prt.AlignVertEnum.Center
rt8.Style.GridLines.All = New prt.LineDef(0.3,Color.blue)
rt8.Style.Spacing.Bottom = 5
rt8.CellStyle.Spacing.All = 1
rt8.Style.Font = tbl8.Font
Rows8 = tbl8.DataTable.Select("[年度] Like '*" & nd.text & "*' And [企业名称] Like '*" & qm.text & "*' And 姓名 Like '*" & xm.text & "*'","演练时间 DESC") '指定符合条件的行和排序方式
Dim nms8() As String = {"企业名称","年度","姓名","演练时间","演练地点","组织单位","事故类型","演练目的","演练内容"} '指定要显示的列即要打印的列
Dim caps() As String = {"序号","年度","姓名","演练时间","演练地点","组织单位","事故类型","演练目的","演练内容"} '自定义列名
For c As Integer = 0 To nms8.length - 1
Dim ary() As String = caps(c).split("|")
For i As Integer = 0 To ary.length-1
rt8.cells(i, c).text = ary(i)
Next '打印的列标题自定义
rt8.Cells(0,c).Style.TextAlignHorz = prt.AlignHorzEnum.Center '标题内容水平居中
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rt8.Cols(8).Width = 50
For r As Integer = 0 To Rows8.Count -1
If c=0 Then
rt8.Cells(r + 1, c).Text = r+1 '增加了序号列,并自动填充
rt8.Cells(r + 1, c).Text = rows8(r)(tbl8.Cols(nms8(c)).Name)
End If
rt8.RowGroups(0,1).Header = prt.TableHeaderEnum.All
Doc.Preview() '预览报表