老师 我根据帮助代码修改的,但是打开网页显示空白的,SQL数据库是正确的,帮我看看哪里错了
Dim e As RequestEventArgs = args(0)
Dim wb As New WeUI
Select Case e.Path
Case "cxsj.htm"
Dim flt As String
If e.PostValues.ContainsKey("单据编号") Then
flt = "单据编号 = '" & e.PostValues("单据编号") & "'"
End If
If e.PostValues.ContainsKey("供应商") Then
flt = "供应商 = '" & e.PostValues("供应商") & "'"
End If
Dim cmd As new SQ LCommand
cmd.CommandText= " s el ect 单据编号,供应商,单据状态,单据时间,物料名称,制单人,审核时间 Fr om 采购订单"
If flt > "" Then
cm d.Com mandText = cmd.CommandText & " where " & flt
End If
With wb.AddTable("","Table1")
.CreateFr omD ataTable(cmd.Ex ecuteReader)
End With
With wb.AddButtonGroup("","btg1",True)
.Add("btn1", "重新筛选", "","e.htm")
End With
End Select