Dim tb As Table = Tables("期初数据表")
Dim dr As Row = tb.Current
Dim sbh As String = Tables("注册表").Current("纳税识别号")
Dim dm As String = dr("科目代码")
Dim km As String = dm.SubString(0,4)
Dim bnj As Double=tb.Compute("sum(本年借方发生额累计)","科目代码 Like '" & km & "%'")
Dim pr As DataRow=DataTables("一级科目余额表").SQLFind("年 Is Null And 月 Is Null And 科目代码='" & km & "'And 纳税识别号='" & sbh & "'")
If pr Isnot Nothing Then
Dim Filter As String = "年 Is Null And 年_月 Is Null And 科目代码='" & km & "'And 纳税识别号='" & sbh & "'"
End If