Dim e As RequestEventArgs = args(0) '基础资料
Dim wb As New weui
With wb.AddTabBar("", "tb1",1) '使用TabBar,增加4个按钮(注:页面可以增加,但不考虑)
.AddButton("bt1","首页","./images/a.png","/index.htm") '.Attribute = ""
'.Attribute = "style='height:55px'"
End With
wb.AddTopTips("bt3","toptip1","") '用于显示动态错误提示
Dim iusername As String = e.cookies("isj") '从cookie取用户名(手机号)
Dim idr As DataRow = DataTables("会员资料").sqlFind("手机 = '" & iusername & "'") '举报人所在的行
Dim ibh As String '定义,我的编号
Dim isjh As String '定义,我手机号码
Dim ixb As String '定义,我性别
If idr IsNot Nothing Then
ibh = idr("会员编号")
isjh = idr("手机")
ixb = idr("性别")
End If
Dim tbh As String '定义,他的编号
For Each key As String In e.GetValues.Keys
If key = "tbh" Then
tbh = e.GetValues(key)
End If
Dim tdr As DataRow = DataTables("会员资料").sqlFind("手机 = '" & tbh & "'") '被举报人所在的行
Dim tsjh As String '定义,他手机号码
Dim txb As String '定义,他性别
If tdr IsNot Nothing Then
tbh = tdr("会员编号")
tsjh = tdr("手机")
txb = tdr("性别")
End If
With wb.AddInputGroup("form1","ipg1","我要举报")
End With
With wb.AddInputGroup("form1","ipg2","举报描述")
.AddTextArea("bz",5).Placeholder = "请输入100字以内的备注"
End With
With wb.AddButtonGroup("form1","btg1",True)
.Add("btn1", "提交", "button").Attri-bute= "on-click='validit_jvbao()'"
End With
wb.AppendHTML("<script src='./lib/ajaxform_jvbao.js'></script>") '引入脚本文件
e.WriteString(wb.Build) '生成网页