Dim rybh = e.Form.Controls("ComboBox1")
Dim gysbm = e.Form.Controls("ComboBox2")
Dim spbm = e.Form.Controls("ComboBox3")
Dim spjj = e.Form.Controls("ComboBox4")
Dim filter As String = "1=1"
If rybh.text > "" Then
filter &= " and 客户ID = '" & rybh.text & "'"
End If
If gysbm.text > "" Then
filter &= " and 客户名称 = '" & gysbm.text & "'"
End If
If spbm.text > "" Then
filter &= " and 商品名称 = '" & spbm.text & "'"
End If
If spjj.text > "" Then
filter &= " and 入库_单价 = '" & spjj.text & "'"
End If
Dim t1 As DataTable = DataTables("入库明细")
Dim t2 As DataTable = DataTables("出库明细")
Dim t3 As DataTable = DataTables("应付款")
Dim t4 As DataTable = DataTables("应收款")