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  发帖心情 Post By:2011/3/1 18:43:00 [显示全部帖子]




Dim doc As New PrintDoc() '定义一个报表
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Dim rt As New prt.RenderTable() '定义一个表格对象
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rt.cells(rt.Rows.Count-1,0).Text ="北京燕化集资建房幸福新村1#楼工程部门收支汇总表"
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rt.cells(rt.Rows.Count-1,1).Text = "部门/姓名"
rt.cells(rt.Rows.Count-1,2).Text = "应付金额"
rt.cells(rt.Rows.Count-1,3).Text = "已付金额"
rt.cells(rt.Rows.Count-1,4).Text = "未付金额"
rt.cells(rt.Rows.Count-1,5).Text = "备  注"
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rt.cells(rt.Rows.Count,0).text = "总计金额:"
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rt.cells(rt.Rows.Count-1,2).text = format(DataTables("成本明细帐").Compute("Sum(金额)", "科目 = '应付款'"),"0.00")
rt.cells(rt.Rows.Count-1,3).text = format(DataTables("成本明细帐").Compute("Sum(金额)", "科目 = '已付款'"),"0.00")
rt.cells(rt.Rows.Count-1,4).text = format(DataTables("成本明细帐").Compute("Sum(金额)", "科目 = '应付款'")- DataTables("成本明细帐").Compute("Sum(金额)", "科目 = '已付款'"),"0.00")
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rt.Rows(rt.Rows.Count-1).Height = 12 & "mm"
Dim a,b As Integer

Dim Multi As String = DataTables("成本明细帐").GetComboListString("费用类别")
Dim Values() As String
Values = Multi.split("|")
For Index As Integer = 0 To Values.Length - 1
    a = DataTables("成本明细帐").Compute("Sum(金额)", "科目 = '应付款' and 费用类别 = '" & Values(Index)  & "'")
    b = DataTables("成本明细帐").Compute("Sum(金额)", "科目 = '已付款' and 费用类别 = '" & Values(Index)  & "'")
    If a = Nothing
        a = 0
    End If
    If b = Nothing
        b = 0
    End If
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Multi = DataTables("成本明细帐").GetComboListString("部门或单位")
Values = Multi.split("|")
For Index As Integer = 0 To Values.Length - 1
    a = DataTables("成本明细帐").Compute("Sum(金额)", "科目 = '应付款' and 部门或单位 = '" & Values(Index) & "'")
    b = DataTables("成本明细帐
").Compute("Sum(金额)", "科目 = '已付款' and 部门或单位 = '" & Values(Index) & "'")
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        a = 0
    End If
    If b = Nothing
        b = 0
    End If
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    If e.Form.Controls("CheckBox1").Checked = True
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        Dim drs As List(of DataRow) = DataTables("成本明细帐").Select("[部门或单位] = '" &  Values(Index) & "'","日期,科目 DESC")
        For Index1 As Integer = 0 To drs.Count-1
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            rt.cells(rt.Rows.Count-1,1).text = Values(Index)
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                rt.cells(rt.Rows.Count-1,2).text = format(drs(Index1)("金额") ,"0.00")
                rt.cells(rt.Rows.Count-1,3).text = format(drs(Index1)("金额") ,"0.00")
            End If
            rt.cells(rt.Rows.Count-1,5).text = drs(Index1)("凭证号") & " " & drs(Index1)("费用类别") & " " &  drs(Index1)("备注")
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rt.cells(rt.Rows.Count,0).text =  "      审  核:         记  帐:          经手人:            年    月    日"
rt.rows(rt.Rows.Count-1).Style.Font = New Font("宋体", 12,FontStyle.bold) '设置文本对象的字体
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rt.Rows(rt.Rows.Count-1).Style.GridLines.All = new Prt.LineDef(0,Color.Black)
rt.Rows(rt.Rows.Count-1) = new Prt.LineDef(0.5,Color.Black)
rt.Rows(rt.Rows.Count-1).Height = 15 & "mm"
rt.RowGroups(rt.Rows.Count-1,1).Footer = prt.TableFooterEnum.All '利用行组,将最后一行设为表尾.
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rt.cells(2,3).Style.TextAlignHorz = prt.AlignHorzEnum.Center '第一行内容水平居中
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doc.Body.Children.Add(rt) '将表格对象加入到报表中
Doc.Preview() '预览报表

[此贴子已经被作者于2011-3-1 18:45:03编辑过]
