Dim dt As DataTable = DataTables("表A")
dt.ReplaceFor("组别", Nothing, Tables("表A").Filter)
dt.ReplaceFor("道次", Nothing, Tables("表A").Filter)
Dim dws As List(Of String) = dt.GetValues("单位", Tables("表A").Filter)
Dim filter As String = iif(Tables("表A").Filter > "", " and 组别 is null and 道次 is null and " & Tables("表A").Filter, " and 组别 is null and 道次 is null")
Dim rcount As Integer = Tables("表A").Rows.count
Dim msg As String = ""
For i As Integer = 1 To rcount \ 8
Dim ary(3) As String
For j As Integer = 1 To 4
Dim giveup As Integer = 0
Do While giveup < 10
Dim dw As String = dws(Rand.Next(dws.count))
If Array.Indexof(ary, dw) > -1 Then
giveup += 1
Dim fdr As DataRow = dt.Find("单位 = '" & dw & "'" & filter)
If fdr IsNot Nothing Then
fdr("组别") = i
fdr("道次") = j
ary(j-1) = dw
Exit Do
End If
End If
If giveup >= 10 Then
Do While 1
Dim dw As String = dws(Rand.Next(dws.count))
Dim fdr As DataRow = dt.Find("单位 = '" & dw & "'" & filter)
If fdr IsNot Nothing Then
fdr("组别") = i
fdr("道次") = j
ary(j-1) = dw
Exit Do
End If
End If
For j As Integer = 5 To 8
Dim fdr As DataRow = dt.Find("单位 = '" & ary(j-5) & "'" & filter)
If fdr Is Nothing Then
msg += "(" & i & "," & j & ")缺值" & vbcrlf
fdr("组别") = i
fdr("道次") = j
End If
Tables("表A").sort = "组别, 道次"
[此贴子已经被作者于2014-2-10 21:50:32编辑过]