If e.DataCol.Name.StartsWith("工序") Then
Dim filter As String = "产品名称 = '" & e.DataRow("产品名称") & "'"
Dim fdr As DataRow = DataTables("产品信息").Find(filter)
If fdr IsNot Nothing Then
Dim sum As Double = e.DataTable.Compute("sum(数量)", filter & " and 单号 = '" & e.DataRow("单号") & "' and " & e.DataCol.Name & " = '" & e.NewValue & "'")
sum = sum * fdr(e.DataCol.Name)
Dim fdr2 As DataRow = DataTables("工时统计").Find(filter & " and 单号 = '" & e.DataRow("单号") & "'")
If fdr2 Is Nothing Then
fdr2 = DataTables("工时统计").AddNew
fdr2("产品名称") = e.DataRow("产品名称")
End If
If DataTables("工时统计").DataCols.Contains(e.NewValue) Then
fdr2(e.NewValue) = sum
End If
If e.OldValue IsNot Nothing AndAlso DataTables("工时统计").DataCols.Contains(e.OldValue) Then
fdr2(e.OldValue) = fdr(e.DataCol.Name) * e.DataTable.Compute("sum(数量)", filter & " and 单号 = '" & e.DataRow("单号") & "' and " & e.DataCol.Name & " = '" & e.OldValue & "'")
End If
End If
End If