'Select Case e.DataCol.Name '
' Case "A数量", "B数量", "C数量", "D数量","E数量"'
' Dim a As Integer = e.DataRow("A数量") ',
' Dim b As Integer = e.DataRow("B数量") '
' Dim c As Integer = e.DataRow("C数量") '
' Dim d As Integer = e.DataRow("D数量") '
' Dim e As Integer = e.DataRow("E数量") '
' If c >= a And b >= a And d >= a And e >= a Then '
' e.DataRow("等级") = "A" '
' ElseIf c <> 0 And b <> 0 And d <> 0 And e <> 0 Then '
' e.DataRow("等级") = "B" '
' Else '否则:
' e.DataRow("等级") = "C" '
' End If
'End Select
上面代码,报错,提示,局部全变e在声明之前不能被引用,Dim a As Integer = e.DataRow("A数量") ,如何解决?