Dim e As Object = args(0)
Dim wb As New weui
wb.AddForm("", "form1", "Zhenweicx_filter.htm")
If e.PostValues("cxlb") = "介绍信" Then
Dim dr As DataRow = DataTables("介绍信管理").SQLFind("查询码= '" & e.PostValues("cxm") & "'")
If dr IsNot Nothing Then
wb.AddPageTitle("form1", dr("查询码"), "介绍信信息")
wb.InsertHTML("<style>.fox_page_header{background-color: DarkGray;}</style>") '设置页面颜色
wb.InsertHTML("<style>.fox_page_title{color:red;font-size:15px;font-weight:bold;line-height:0.5}</style>") '设置项目信息化管理系统字体颜色,字体大小,加粗,行距black
With wb.AddInputGroup("form1", "ipg1", "介绍信信息")
With .AddInput("介绍信编号", "编  号", "text")
.Value = dr("介绍信编号")
.Readonly = True
End With
With .AddInput("所属机构", "所属机构", "text")
.Value = dr("所属机构")
.Readonly = True
End With
With .AddInput("有效期", "有效期", "text")
.Value = dr("有效期")
.Readonly = True
End With
End With
End With
wb.InsertHTML("<div style='height:50px'></div>")
wb.AddPage("form1", "page1").Attribute = "style='position: fixed;bottom: 0;right: 0;left: 0'"
With wb.AddButtonGroup("page1", "btg1", False)
.Add("btn1", "首页", "", "default.htm")
.Add("btn2", "返回", "", "Zhenweicx.htm")
End With
With wb.AddMsgPage("", "msgpage", "查询完成", "没有查询到相关数据!")
.icon = "info" '改变图标"success","info","warn",对应的图标分别是
.AddButton("btn1", "返回").Attribute = ""
End With
Return Nothing '必须返回
End If
End If