For Each dr As DataRow In DataTables("返单导入").DataRows
If dr("上游客户") = Tables("返单上游").Current("上游客户") Then
Dim M As String = Tables("返单上游").current("返单上游号")
Dim Filter As String = "[上游客户] = '" & dr("上游客户") & "' and [商品车] = '" & dr("商品车") & "' and ([运输单号] = '" & dr("运输单号") & "' or [VIN码] = '" & dr("VIN码") & "') And [上游动态] = '" & dr("上游动态") & "' and [二次] = false and [返单上游] = false "
1 DataTables("运单管理").SQLReplaceFor("返单上游号", M , filter)
2 DataTables("运单管理").SQLReplaceFor("返单上游", True , filter)
3 DataTables("运单管理").SQLReplaceFor("返单上游操作员", user.Name , filter)
4 DataTables("运单管理").SQLReplaceFor("返单上游日期", Date.Today , filter)
End If