Select Case e.Path
Case "test.htm", ""
Dim wb As New WeUI
With wb.AddInputGroup("","ipg1","项目成员")
With .AddInputCell("审核人") '通过InputCell增加输入框
.AddLabel("姓名","姓名",0) '增加标签,0显示在左边
.AddInput("姓名","Text",1).Placeholder = "可手动输入,以" & "/" & " 隔开"
.AddVcodeButton("hym","模糊输入",2).Attribute = "" '调用js函数
End With
End With
Dim wb21 As New weui
wb21.InsertHTML("form3","<div id='div12' style='overflow-y:auto;height:300px'>")
Dim lk As String = Nothing
Dim txt As String = e.PostValues("姓名") ‘这个参数不会传,通过上面的姓名输入框
txt = "'%" & txt & "%'"
Dim gjs11 As List(of String) = DataTables("员工资料").SQLGetValues("姓名","openid <> '" & lk & "'and 姓名 like " & txt )
Dim ds1 As Integer =DataTables("员工资料").SQLCompute("Count([姓名])","openid <> '" & lk & "'and 姓名 like " & txt )
Dim ary11 As String= String.Join("|",gjs11.ToArray)
Dim ary12() As String
ary12 = ary11.split("|")
With wb21.AddCheckGroup("form3","rdg12","浏览器")
For i As Integer = 0 To ds1-1
.Add("bm1" & i, ary12(i))
End With
With wb.AddDialog("","dlg2", "请选择",wb21.Build)
.AddButton("btnCancel11","取消").Kind = 1
Dim str As String = ""
str &= "var s = '';"
For i As Integer = 0 To ds1-1
str &= "var c" & i & " = document.getElementById('bm1" & i & "').checked;"
str &= "if(c" & i & "){s = s + '," & ary12(i) & "'};"
str &= "需求审核人.value = s.substring(1)"
.AddButton("btnOK11","确定").Attribute=" & str & """"
End With
wb.AppendHTML("<script src='./lib/z.js'></script>") '引入脚本文件
e.WriteString(wb.Build) '生成网页