If e.postvalues.ContainsKey("jhsl")Then
Dim shl As Integer = Tables("出入库总表").current("商品数量")
Dim jine As Double = Tables("出入库总表").current("实付款金额")
DataTables("出入库明细表").LoadFilter = "单据编号 = '"& Tables("出入库总表").current("单据编号") & "'"
With wb.AddPanelGroup("form1","pg1","已入库商品明细")
For Each ms As DataRow In DataTables("出入库明细表").datarows
If ms("单据编号") = Tables("出入库总表").current("单据编号") Then
Dim ko As String = "进货数量:" & ms("数量") & "开piao价:" & ms("开piao单价") & "优惠价格:" & ms("优惠金额")
Dim kk As String = "总计金额:" & ms("实付金额")
With .Add(ms("_Identify"),ms("商品名称"),ko,"./images/button.png","http://www.foxtable.com") '超链接
End With
End If
End With
With wb.AddInputGroup("form1","ipg10","进货单汇总")
With .AddInput("合计数量","合计数量","text")
.value = "总计:" & shl & "件"
End With
With .AddInput("合计金额","合计金额","text")
.value = "总计:" & jine & "元"
End With
End With