For Each dr As DataRow In DataTables("职数空缺").Select("工作单位_镇街 is not null and 工作单位_村居社区 is not null")
Dim fdr As List(of DataRow) = DataTables("村干部基本信息").Select("工作单位_镇街 = '" & dr("工作单位_镇街") & "' and 工作单位_村居社区 = '" & dr("工作单位_村居社区") & "'")
For Each n As DataRow In fdr
If n("职务排序") = "01" Then
dr("书记") = n("姓名")
ElseIf n("职务排序") = "02" Then
dr("主任") = n("姓名")
ElseIf n("职务排序") = "03" Then
dr("会计") = n("姓名")
End If
DataTables("职数空缺").ReplaceFor("书记","空缺","书记 is null")
DataTables("职数空缺").ReplaceFor("主任","空缺","主任 is null")
DataTables("职数空缺").ReplaceFor("会计","空缺","会计 is null")