Dim e As RequestEventArgs = args(0)
Dim wb As New WeUI
Dim Verified As Boolean '用于标记用户是否通过了身份验证
Dim UserName As String = e.Cookies("username") '从cookie中获取用户名
Dim Password As String = e.Cookies("password") '从cookie中获取用户密码
If e.Path = "logon.htm" '如果是通过登录页面访问,从PostValues即可中提取用户名和密码
If e.PostValues.ContainsKey("username") AndAlso e.PostValues.ContainsKey("password") Then
UserName = e.PostValues("username")
Password = e.PostValues("password")
End If
End If
If UserName = "花花" AndAlso Password = "huahua" Then '实际使用的时候,请改为从数据库读取用户名和密码进行比较
Verified = True
ElseIf Username = "草草" AndAlso Password="caocao" Then
Verified = True
End If
If Verified AndAlso e.Path = "logon.htm" Then '如果用户访问的是登录页,且身份验证成功
wb.AppendCookie("username",UserName) '将用户名和密码写入cookie
wb.InsertHTML("<meta http-equiv='Refresh' c>") '直接跳转到首页
e.WriteString(wb.Build) '生成网页
ElseIf Verified = False AndAlso e.Path <> "logon.htm" Then '如果用户身份验证失败,且访问的不是登录页面
wb.InsertHTML("<meta http-equiv='Refresh' c>") '那么直接跳转到登录页面
e.WriteString(wb.Build) '生成网页
End If
Select Case e.Path
Case "exit.htm"
With wb.AddButtonGroup("form1","btg1",True) '垂直排列
.Add("btn6", "退出","logon.htm")
wb.DeleteCookie("username") '清除cookie中原来的用户名和密码
wb.InsertHTML("<meta http-equiv='Refresh' c>")
End With
End Select
这个是 退出页面的代码