If ipages = "填空题" Then
If e.PostValues.Count = 0 Then
With wb.AddInputGroup("form24","ipg1","<label style='color:Black;'>第" & tmid & "题 共(" & tmid & "/" & zs & ")题</label> 题目类型 <a style='color: #5CACEE;'>[填空题]</a>")
With .AddTextArea("text")
.Value = oyi("题目内容")
.Readonly= True
End With
End With
With wb.AddInputGroup("form24","ipg2","<a style='color: #3CB371;'>填空题回答区:</a>")
If oyi.IsNull("选项A") = False Then
.AddInput("xmA","第1个空","text").Placeholder = "请输入第一个答案"
End If
If oyi.IsNull("选项B") = False Then
.AddInput("xmB","第2个空","text").Placeholder = "请输入第二个答案"
End If
If oyi.IsNull("选项C") = False Then
.AddInput("xmC","第3个空","text").Placeholder = "请输入第三个答案"
End If
If oyi.IsNull("选项D") = False Then
.AddInput("xmD","第4个空","text").Placeholder = "请输入第四个答案"
End If
If oyi.IsNull("选项E") = False Then
.AddInput("xmE","第5个空","text").Placeholder = "请输入第五个答案"
End If
If oyi.IsNull("选项F") = False Then
.AddInput("xmF","第6个空","text").Placeholder = "请输入第六个答案"
End If
End With
With wb.AddInputGroup("form24","ipg3","<a style='color: #3CB371;'>已答答案</a>")
With .AddTextArea("填空答案")
.Value = oyi("个人选项")
.Readonly= True
End With
End With
With wb.AddButtonGroup("form24","btngrp1", False)
If syi IsNot Nothing Then
.Add("btn1","上一题","","ExercisesNew.htm?page=" & opi & "&stid=" & syi("题目序号") & "&openid=" & er)
End If
If xyi IsNot Nothing Then
.Add("btn3","下一题", "submit") '提交
.Add("btn4", "提交", "submit") '提交
End If
.Add("btn5", "返回课程","","OnlineVideo.htm?page=" & opi )
End With
MessageBox.Show(e.PostValues("xmA")) '获取录入值为空白怎么处理
'Dim diilipok As String = e.PostValues("xmA") & "," & e.PostValues("xmB") & "," & e.PostValues("xmC") & "," & e.PostValues("xmD") & "," & e.PostValues("xmE") & "," & e.PostValues("xmF")
End If
End If