Dim cz As WinForm.ComboBox = e.sender
Dim nr As String =cz.text
If nr > "" AndAlso nr <>"显示全部" Then
Dim Page As WinForm.TopicPage
Page = Forms("左侧导航栏").Controls("TopicBar1").Pages("组长")
For Each nm As String In DataTables("基本设定").GetValues("名称","类别='模具负责人' and 显隐=false and mid([产品编号],1,4) = '" & nr & "'")
Dim link As WinForm.TopicLink = Page.Links.Add(nm,nm)
Dim cnt As Integer = DataTables("产品信息").Compute("count([_Identify])","模具负责人= '" & nm & "'")
link.text=link.text & " " & "(" & cnt & ")" & "付"
end if
提示未定义MID 函数是什么情况
[此贴子已经被作者于2018/2/1 15:27:24编辑过]